Our country is a place full of a lot of beaches, among which Playa Tamarindo stands out. This is one of the most visited beaches by tourists.
Here, in Costa Rica, you can find a wide variety of beaches to spend the summer, always taking into account that keeping them clean is essential for health. To have a good experience, it is advisable not to place waste in it. This will not only harm our beach and make it look ugly, but it will also make a bad impression for all those people who wish to visit our beautiful Tamarindo Beach.

Tamarindo today
It is an old town of artisanal fishermen. Currently, it is one of the most developed tourist communities in our country. Its climatic conditions make it enjoy an ideal place for water sports, such as surfing and any other water sport you want to experience.
We also have the Las Baulas National Marine Park and Tamarindo Wildlife Refuge. Apart from that, we find other beaches such as Grande Langosta and Ventanas. These beaches, together, constitute the most important nesting area of the American Pacific of the leatherback turtle. It is important to mention that this turtle is the largest in the world, and is in critical danger of extinction.
Where is Playa Tamarindo?
It is located in the canton of Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, and occupies an area of 123.53 Km2. It is a coastal town, without large elevations and, aside from that, has several hills of low altitude that are part of the geological formation of Santa Elena. It is worth mentioning that it is the most ancient formation in the country.
History and development of Tamarindo Beach
History tells us that, until the beginning of the 1980s, Tamarindo was a sparsely populated fishing village. Its few inhabitants lived on the catch of the red snapper and the snook, in the estuary of the Matapalo river.
It should be noted that Tamarindo practically did not exist as a town before its great tourist boom, so today almost none of its employees in tourism activities reside in that district but in neighboring communities such as Villareal, April 27th, San José de Pinilla, or Hernández.
The district of Tamarindo was created by executive decree 24820-G, in November 27th, 1995, due to its large population increase with part of the territory of district April 27th.
When did tourism begin to gain importance in Tamarindo?
Tourism began to gain importance in the 1990s. It has access to first quality services and has cabins, hotels, and restaurants at various prices that are very beneficial for tourists. In this area, the tourism industry that is developed specially by investment corporations, wholesale groups and international hoteliers that dedicate themselves to mass tourism and the real estate business.

Now the city has apartment rentals for tourists, pet shops, rental offices, cars, surf shops, shops that rent sport fishing equipment, hotels, bars, nightclubs, a casino, we also have a land and air transportation, spas, and even banks with full services with ATM machines. So come and visit our Tamarindo Beach to enjoy all these spectacular services that you will be fascinated.
Tips to take care of our body in Tamarindo Beach
In some cases, the beaches present some disadvantage for our body, since in women it can cause vaginal infection and to avoid it, it is recommended to change the swimsuit after its use and improve the hygiene of that area.
Also if you do not take the necessary precautions you will be exposed to different infections caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli (also known as E-coli). Its main symptoms are severe diarrhea and, in some cases, severe hemorrhages. Although it has never been detected in our country, it is very convenient to be careful not to contract it.
The case of swimmer’s otitis is also presented. This is a disease in the outer part of the ear and is caused by the water that remains inside after the person leaves the water. It is important to add that water is an ideal medium for the birth of bacteria. These microorganisms may already be present on beaches that do not have their respective maintenance. And finally, staying with the swimsuit wet for too long causes 50% of this range of infections.
How to take care of our body from the sun in Tamarindo beach?
One of the precautions is to keep the skin hydrated, since sea salt dries the skin, causing damage almost the same as cold. You should also protect the skin with a cream or lotion with SPF 30, since the sun can cause redness in the skin and, in more serious cases, even burns. Before going to sleep, you must apply some moisturizing cream on the skin and thus promote the process of cell regeneration in it.