
    Science & Technology

    Companies Received Award for Innovative Practices

    In September three Costa Rican companies were honored for promoting innovation in their products. These companies were Natural Sins, Orplant Dracaenas de Altura and Thermosolutions Group S.A., which received a "BTM Award", issued by the Foreign Trade Agency of...

    8 Costa Rican Students Will Participate in World Robot Olympiad

    A total of eight students have been selected to represent the country at the 2012 World Robot Olympiad (WRO), which will take place November 9th – 11th in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.These students, ages 9 through 19, were the winners...

    CO2 emissions with Google Earth

    A team of US scientists led by Purdue University unveiled an interactive Google Earth map on Thursday showing carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels across the United States.The high-resolution map shows carbon dioxide emissions in metric tons in residential...

    Costa Rican Investors shift focus to Biofuels

    Biofuel investing has seen a sharp rise over the past year, but spiked just since President Obama took office. Obama’s push for green energy investment and growing demand for Green Fuels is seen as the major cause for the...

    Ormat for 65M geothermal deal

    Nevada firm plans second project with utility Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad.Reno, Nev.-based Ormat Technologies (NYSE: ORA) is preparing to start its second geothermal project in Costa Rica after being chosen for a $65 million contract with Banco Centroamericano de...

    Air New Zealand Flies on Engine With Jatropha Biofuel Blend

    By James Kanter The New York TimesSome in the aviation industry say they could one day be flying the biggest jets across the planet without contributing to climate change — using biofuels.They also say that it will be easier...
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    Cultural Sensitivity: Why It Matters For Expats

    Cultural sensitivity is sometimes confused with general politeness and the desire not to offend people. But it is more...
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