
    Science & Technology

    Costa Rica got its first own space mission: Project Irazú

    What is Project Irazú?Project Irazú is a common project of the Central American Association for Aeronautics and Space (ACAE), and developed in conjunction with the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC). The construction and setting of the satellite into...

    Uber and Toyota join forces so that drivers can lease vehicles

    New lease options would be available for the second half of the year, estimated the automaker.The auto giant Toyota said it is making a strategic investment in Uber and will offer auto leases to drivers that are working to...

    The Coming of Solar Energy to Costa Rica

    What is Solar Energy?Solar energy is gained by collecting sun-rays. As every form of life needs sunlight to survive and grow, it is the primary source of energy for plants, animals and human beings.The sun’s different heat causes...

    Franklin Chang Heads Fundraiser to Make Costa Rica a Developed Country

    Just a few days and roughly $2,000 remain for the fundraiser to meet it’s goal. Headed officially by the Estrategia Siglo XXI, the challenge hopes to be able to fund a variety of stimulating events, projects and studies in the...

    Get Free Wifi While Riding Costa Rican Buses

    San Isidro passengers traveling to or from San Jose may now receive free internet during their trip, but they’re not the only ones!‘Tis the age of mobile technology. Not only can people now carry the World Wide Web right...

    Drones in Costa Rica: No Easy Flight

    The Dirección General de Aviación Civil recently released their specifications for persons and companies wishing to fly drones in Costa Rica; it's not cheap.Follow @TheCRNews //According to Dirección General de Aviación Civil (DGAC), companies wishing to incorporate drones into...

    What Can Costa Rica Learn From Honduras About Renewable Energy?

    Despite the fame Costa Rica gained at the beginning of this year for going 100+ days on completely renewable energy, Honduras is giving ticos a run for their money.Honduras is now poised to overtake Mexico as the second-largest solar...

    Artificial Intelligence Could Steal Jobs

    In the age where technology is making giant leaps every day, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands to make science fiction a reality and take over more and more jobs.The company Boston Consulting Group predicts that one fourth of the...

    Never Walk Alone, Stay Safe with a Virtual Companion

    A new personal-safety app for Apple and Android allows friends to virtually walk each other home.The app, called simply Companion, was originally designed by students at the University of Michigan to protect students walking home late at night. Today,...

    Electric Buses Coming to San Jose

    In just a few weeks, hybrid buses will hit the roads between San Jose and Desamparados as part of a new test initiative.According to Edgar Gutierrez, Minister of Environment, “The aim is to measure the efficiency and maintenance needed...
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    Latest News

    Discovering Golfito: Costa Rica’s Hidden Gem

    Nestled in the southern Pacific region of Costa Rica, Golfito is a charming town that offers a unique blend...
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