Next Saturday, July 20th, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, it will be held the 1st edition of the Gastronomic Tour “Con Sabor a Puerto” (With Flavor to a Port), a tourist experience based on local cuisine that invites you to rediscover the flavors of the port. During the day, attendees will have the opportunity to try tastings of the best dishes for only ¢ 1,000 each. The activity will have the participation of 15 restaurateurs from the area who will be located jointly in the Pacific Plaza and the House of Culture.
“The restaurants that will be offering their products have gone through a process of technical assistance with chefs and gastronomic specialists with the aim of enhancing their traditional culinary offerings through innovation in their dishes, recipes, final presentation, among other aspects. We seek that visitors come ready to rediscover the gastronomy of the area”, said Flora Montealegre, Executive Delegate of the Costa Rica Foundation United States for Cooperation (CRUSA) and who together the Inter-American Development Bank, through its laboratory BID Lab innovation, finance the Achievement Scale Program, which is part of the Gastronomic Tour initiative.
In addition to the tasting of products, visitors will find a seasonal fruit fair, live music, and the Paseo de Los Artistas, a cultural and artistic activation that will take place at the Paseo de Los Turistas.
“The activity seeks that people try the best flavors of Puntarenas at an affordable price so that they continue to visit the province in search of these new flavors. The people who attend on Saturday will receive a free physical map created for the activity where they can find the information of the participating restaurants, as well as historical and curious data of the Port”, said Paco Cervilla, who is part of the event’s organizing team.

Knowledge, culture, and entertainment
As part of the Gastronomic Tour “Con Sabor a Puerto”, other activities will be carried out framed in 2 thematic axes: inspiration and knowledge / experience and discovery.
Inspiration and knowledge will take place between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 m in the Pacific Plaza. It will consist of free high-level talks with national and international guests that seek to position Puntarenas as a destination for innovation in gastronomy and creativity at the national level.
The talks will be given by the chefs Tere Moreno (Costa Rica), Santiago Fernández (Costa Rica) and Eduardo Martínez (Colombia), as well as the graphic designer Roni Heredia (Peru), recognized worldwide for his extensive experience in the generation of the identity of brand for restaurants.
At the close of the exhibitions, there will be a contest of ceviches in which gastronomy students from the National Apprenticeship Institute (INA) and the National Technical University (UTN) will participate.
The 2nd axis of the event consists of a Rally of Stories and Mouths and will start at 12:00 m when leaving the House of Culture.
It is a group activation in which families and groups of friends are invited to participate, willing to know the flavors and history of Puntarenas in a playful way.

The 3 teams that complete all the rally tracks in the shortest time will receive a courtesy award from the Puntarenas Chamber of Tourism (CATUP) so that they can enjoy a touristic or gastronomic experience in the area. Those interested in participating must complete their previous registration in the link that will be disseminated in the social networks of the event.
Precisely, the event will close with the award of the winners that will take place in El Faro at 6:00 pm and then there will be a cultural show in charge of the Paseo de Los Artistas.
About “Con Sabor a Puerto”
“Con Sabor a Puerto” is a project of the Reaching Scale Program that is executed thanks to the financing of the Inter-American Development Bank (BID LAB) and the CRUSA. All this is part of the “Jale al Puerto” initiative.
It also has the support of the CATUP, the House of Culture, and the Puntarenas Tourism Promotion Board (JPT).