

    The Humble Turmeric Is Much More Than It Seems

    The common spice, turmeric, has been used in Indian medicine for thousands of years, while western medicine is just beginning to recognize its many health benefits. Those who have experience with this wonder plant know that it can even...

    Changing to an Alkaline Diet can Change Your Health

    To stay healthy, it is important to maintain an alkaline environment within your body.  The pH levels in your body have a significant importance on your overall health. The human body naturally creates and maintains an alkaline pH level of...

    Grateful People Do Things Differently

    Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the rushing and even chaos of life these days.  Maybe that is when you need to be grateful the most.  Taking that moment to be grateful for what you saw...

    All on 4 Permanent Dentures

    So here you are. If not toothless, maybe more than halfway there. Trying to hold things together with a partial perhaps, or some other dental engineering just waiting to fail you. Your life is reduced to waiting for the...

    A Community Organization Introduces a Cash-Free Economy

    In the spirit of a "gifting" or "sharing" economy, dozens of people gather regularly to offer their services, and make non-financial requests in a way that more closely resembles a natural ecosystem. “I believe we can teach humanity to be...

    Washing Your Clothes is now an Environmental Concern

    Sherri Mason, a professor at State University New York, has been studying aquatic pollution in the U.S. Great Lakes for several years.  But for the first time ever, she found synthetic fibers woven into the gastrointestinal tracts of fish...

    Radical Natural Healing – Part 3

    The previous two postings in the article series, Radical Natural Healing, featured the Costa Rican journeys and life of local artist, visionary, holistic healer, and educator – Zahrah's.  Readers learned of Zahrah’s bold move to Costa Rica, her experience living...

    Italy makes a Bold Decision

    Spraying of Roundup in public areas such as gardens, courtyards, roadways, sports fields, recreational areas, areas outside of schools, and other green space has now been banned in Italy.  They have also banned the practice of spraying before harvesting,...

    So You’ve Chosen Costa Rica for Medical Tourism

    Medical Tourism is a growing industry around the world.  Costa Rica has become one of the industry’s ‘darlings’ for a number of very important reasons.   It is easy to reach from North America, has highly trained medical teams, state-of-the-facilities,...

    Yoga Flexibility & Mobility with Gokulacandra

    Yoga is not Sanskrit for stretching; it actually means to join or unite.  Yoga is a combined spiritual, mental, and physical practice.  Most yoga poses focus on flexibility and strength, and each pose involves different groups of muscle functioning...
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    Authorities Intensify Operations against Illegal Entry Into the Turrialba Volcano

    During an operation, the National System of Conservation Areas (Sinac) found 58 people illegally entering the Turrialba volcano.The discovery...
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