A field trip was made to the Bahía Tomas Mangrove, which has undergone restoration, management and conservation by the ACG. The participants were able to observe the positive advances that the mangrove has had and the significant changes that allow the integration and participation of the community of Cuajiniquil, La Cruz Guanacaste in the process.

This mangrove is part of the “Mangroves of Costa Rica-Benin Project” that since 2017 is being developed with the institutional coordination in charge of the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) direct beneficiary of the project, supported by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE); and under the technical execution and management of funds by the Corcovado Foundation.
Decisive in the fight against climate change
Mangroves are essential ecosystems for the survival of certain living species where numerous threatened plant and animal species have habitat. These environments are decisive in the fight against climate change.
Community participation
The participants were able to share with the people of the community who are part of this project and who have internalized the importance that this mangrove has for Cuajiniquil and the future of their families; Men and women worked on the construction of irrigation canals that allow water to enter the mangrove swamp, as well as planting the mangrove species Avicennia germinans, Rhizophora, which were established in 38 plots.
Positive news for the ACG is that natural regeneration of Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans, of trees such as the mostrenco Prosopis juliflora has been observed, which are colonizing different areas of the restoration site, and wild species such as felines, crocodiles have also been monitored. and a wide variety of birds.
The Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG) thanks the restoration techniques provided by Dr. Claudia Agraz and her team of technicians from the Autonomous University of Campeche for the community restoration of the Bahía Tomas Mangrove, as well as the other institutions that have been part and very especially to the local people who have empowered themselves and understood the importance of this project.