What does it mean to be spiritually rich?
Everything seems to indicate that it is someone who has an abundance of values related to the well-being of the person. And that he has regularly obtained them through effort and dedication.It is a way of life, a generous and charitable attitude towards others. Someone who has perfected the virtues and turned away from the vices that most of us still enslave.
He is rich in inner peace and enjoys an exquisite joy, which leads him through life with a genuine smile that impacts everyone. In short, he is a good, humble human being who strives to live in harmony with himself and with his environment.It is the stereotype of the ideal, of a self-righteous to whom very few reach, since most of us are too worldly and prone to “sin” and evil.

The path of improvement
Perhaps without reaching so high, spiritual wealth is the path of improvement as you accumulate virtues that are put at the service of others. Contrary to the material millionaire who accumulates material goods for his own benefit and that of his family and only gives crumbs of everything he owns, because he is trapped in greed.He also shows wisdom and an enormous sensitivity to the feelings and emotions of others; you have the gift of putting yourself in their shoes.
The ideal of the good man, full of wealth and values, is not much helped by the mob; It doesn’t seem like a fun and attractive frame of mind. As they say out there, everything “good” in life ends up being limited or prohibited.
However, it is an aspiration that brings anyone closer to living in greater peace, the prelude to something more similar to happiness. A more efficient way to obtain it, they say, would not be by way of the abundance of worldly goods. And you can ask yourself if you were given the choice between being a material millionaire or a subject full of spiritual wealth, which one would you choose?
The interesting and paradoxical thing about the subject is that while the poor aspire to be rich, those who already have material abundance and comfort, some if they realize that all this does not lead to spiritual wealth and then they go in search of it for the path of spiritual wisdom or religions.
Conquering spiritual wealth
Then the poor, of material goods, instead of aspiring to material wealth, could skip this step and go directly to conquer spiritual wealth. A very clear proposal of Christianity in the Gospels. Well, it is important to practice detachment and inner improvement, instead of outer conquests.
The important thing is to know that there is a noble and virtuous way to extract a pleasant and joyful way of living from life, which does not have to do with material and worldly successes, but in the growth of the spirit.