Telecommuting is an option that many employers adopted during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially to prevent the spread of the virus.The modality has been maintained in many companies totally, or, under the hybrid option, a few days at home and others in offices.
However, current legislation in Costa Rica does not provide clarity on the scope of teleworking, according to the Social Christian faction, which presented bill 23,529, “Law to explicitly detail teleworking abroad avoiding subjective interpretations.”
Greater legal certainty
“We intend to detail the application of teleworking in the international arena, so that both workers and officials can have greater legal certainty at the moment in which they both request to carry out teleworking outside the country, or the employer for the functions of the position asks the employee to carry them out abroad” explained the deputy Alejandro Pacheco.
What is proposed by the Social Christians could be applied whenever there is an agreement in advance by the employer and the employee. In the case of workers who wish to apply this law, they must themselves provide the corresponding technological instruments, equipment and programs.
Additional securities
Also, teleworkers would have to recieve work risk insurance and others that are required to carry out their duties abroad. In the event that the company or public institution is the one that makes the decision to send its collaborator to work abroad, it must assume all the obligations.