Offering an unforgettable adventure in the Monteverde cloud forest is the purpose of the Savia family project.The objective of this initiative is to promote and highlight the holistic connection between the human soul and the forest, through a collection of experiences designed by a team of field professionals.
This through paths, gardens, platforms, hanging bridges, among other surprise elements. Savia’s conceptualization focuses on multisensory stimulation. Five themed walks are currently offered, at different times of the day, everything from bird watching at sunrise to night expeditions.
A diverse offer
Some hikes will focus on interpreting natural history, adventuring with purpose, taking quiet breaks high up in the forest while enjoying a special drink and snacks.To this are also added the culinary specials in collaboration with the Celajes restaurant and the innovative Relaxation and Curiosity Capsules, weaving traditional methods such as “forest bathing” with the use of high technology such as ultra violet light lanterns.
“Our inspiration arises from the rebirth of the travel experience as a conduit towards connection and existential meaning using amazement as a tool for change, by encouraging visitors to generate actions for the conservation of natural resources”, said Andrés Valverde, co-founder and director of Savia.