With the goal of supplying its reserves during Holy Week, the National Blood Bank activated the “33 hours for life” campaign to attract donors to the country’s hospitals.
Donors are expected to go to the service center located in the Cedeso auditorium, in front of the Zapote-Catedral Health Area, which will be open from Monday, April 3rd to Wednesday, April 5th, between 7:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m.It will be an extraordinary day to maintain the reserves, especially since many stop donating blood for the days off.
During Holy Week, the demand for blood increases, as traffic accidents, incidents in homes and emergencies are on the increase, and for this reason it is necessary to have donors, highlighted Dr. Sebastián Molina, director of the National Bank of Blood.
Those interested must present an identity card or passport. In addition, weighing more than 52 kilograms, measuring more than 1.50 meters, being of legal age and not suffering from any infectious disease.
Also, not come with flu symptoms, or have taken antibiotics in the last 15 days, among other requirements, which will be reviewed by medical assessment, prior to the donation.