By compiling data, we observe that since 2019 Costa Rica fell from 55th to 68th place in the Global Innovation Index (GII), according to the World Intellectual Property Organization. With this drop of 13 positions, we went from third to seventh at the regional level. My question is what are we doing wrong?
The insufficient generation of innovation makes me see that, instead of advancing, we are going backwards, despite the fact that the indicator shows a good position in terms of the institutional framework, especially what has to do with business-friendly policy and legal certainty (in that index, we rate 44 out of 132). However, the most notable flaws have to do with credit opportunities for startups, especially those related to venture capital and seed capital (we rate 106 out of 132); and what it has to do with the design of “creative products” derived from new “intangible assets” based on knowledge and technology (again, 106 out of 132).
It seems to me that we are focused on small-scale programs, generally “pilot” plans that do not end up germinating into powerful programs. Without a doubt, Costa Rica is up for more as there are many opportunities for improvement; however, the institutional archipelago that exists stagnates, limits and stops innovation in the country, since many entrepreneurs prefer to abandon their projects due to bureaucracy, ignorance, and lack of support that exists in this matter.
We cannot continue with more pilot plans, there is an urgent need to leap forward, to innovation, to give space to creativity and remove the chains so that the new generations can undertake from the classroom, that companies provide spaces for intra-entrepreneurship and that Universities They are laboratories where products are made to measure for entrepreneurs, for the creation of more and better jobs that the country needs so much, but with an entrepreneurial vision.
In today’s competitive world, businesses must excel in order to grow. It is necessary to put aside the square schemes of the past and adapt to a market in constant evolution. The success of a company depends on the ability of its work team to innovate in its products, services and adapt its processes to new information and communication technologies.
The ability of a company to face the challenges of this new era requires an entrepreneurial culture, that is, learning to identify opportunities in the environment to generate business, which is why today more than ever the triple helix (government, academy and private sector) They must walk hand in hand to create more companies and opportunities in the great business park and walk to formality to stop following empirically. This implies being flexible, daring to experiment by taking risks when necessary, and adapting quickly to changes.