
    World News

    Hidden Treasure

    By Jordon L.Tucked away at the bottom of a rather rudimentary trail that runs into a ravine on the side of Volcan Arenal, is this amazing waterfall. Well over 200ft tall the spray from this powerful deluge is perfect...

    The Perfect Spot

    Submitted by Shannon K.We recently took this picture while walking the beach side trail in Cahuita National Park on the Caribbean coast. While quite a hike if you intend on doing the whole trail, it's well worth it! There are plenty...

    ICE to offer IPTV by July 2010

    By TCRN StaffThe Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) has stated that in the second quarter of 2010 (April-June) its customers will be able to purchase internet television services (IPTV).This service will offer digital TV service using the same...

    ICE invests in customer service to survive competition

    By StaffAs part of its strategy to face competition, the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) is promoting an ambitious change of its services and technologies to improve customer service.The is a program called Plan of Development of Support...

    Earthquake stirkes Central Valley

    By Lance HarrellSAN JOSE - A 5.1 magnitude earthquake shook Costa Rica Friday, without immediate report of victims and material damages.The Costa Rican Vulcanology and Seismology Observatory (OVISCORI) said the earthquake occurred at 3:20 p.m. local time (2120 GMT)...

    Traveling Buddies

    Submitted by Shari h. What a perfect trip! This was taken at the waterfall in Montezuma! The trail up to this series of falls is an easy and beautiful one.

    Bright outlook for Central American Coffee

    An increased investment in coffee farms, climate forecasts and high harvest expected in the coming months will help to boost coffee production in Central America in the 2009/10 cycle, say members of the industry.The small Central American countries are...

    Costa Rica Allocates $15 Million to Repair Bridges

    SAN JOSE – The Costa Rica government announced that it is allocating $15 million for the reparation of 10 bridges, two days after a tragedy that took five lives and sparked a barrage of criticism against Public Works and...

    Costa Rican minister resigns over accident

    SAN JOSE, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Costa Rica's Public Works and Transportation Minister Karla Gonzalez resigned on Monday after being criticized for failing to assume responsibility for last week's accident in which five people were killed.A bus fell into...

    Costa Rican student excelling in new country

    By Zack HaroldCHARLESTON, W.Va. -- It's not the slight Spanish accent that sets Valerie Chavez apart from her classmates.It's that, just a year ago, the Richwood Elementary fifth-grader spoke no English at all.Valerie came to the United States from...
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    Live the Enchanting Experience of a Full Moon at the Beach

    As the sun dips below the horizon, the sky transforms into a canvas of pastel hues, a gentle precursor...
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