Culture & Lifestyle
Guanacaste And Its Intangible Cultural Wealth Of Great Contributions to the Nation
196 years ago, and under the motto "From the Homeland for our will", the inhabitants of the Nicoya Party decided, in open council, freely gathered to contribute their opinion, to join the recently proclaimed independent State of Costa Rica
Culture & Lifestyle
Tips to Promote the Physical and Mental Health of People With Disabilities During Quarantine
The confinement that is being experienced worldwide, as a consequence of the state of emergency due to the spread of COVID-19, presents multiple challenges for the well-being of the population
Culture & Lifestyle
Costa Rica Strives in Preserving its Indigenous and Cultural Territories during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Although we are currently under the Pandemic due to COVID-19, experts have devised a three-month plan that will help indigenous Tica communities to recover financially after the crisis passes
Culture & Lifestyle
The “Virgen de Los Angeles” will have a Virtual Celebration this Year
The celebrations for the 385 years of the Sacred Image of the “Virgen de Los Angeles”, will take place this 2020 in a virtual manner, due to the context of COVID-19
Culture & Lifestyle
UN expert Calls for a Ban on “Conversion Therapies” for LGBT People
"Conversion therapies", “forced treatments” and even "medications" are part of the techniques that are currently used in order to "cure" homosexuality. For the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and experts in the field of the United Nations (UN) these...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Minister of Health Warns that “La Romeria” Religous Pilgrimage Can Cause Many COVID-19 Infections
The call made by the Costa Rican Catholic Church Authorities to the faithful for abstaining this year from traditional “La Romería” catholic pilgrimage, at least physically, was reinforced by Daniel Salas, Minister of Health.This pilgrimage which tens of thousands...
Culture & Lifestyle
Get to know the 8 Indigenous groups that Live in Costa Rica
Indigenous peoples are the original inhabitants of each country and in the case of Costa Rica; there are 8 well-defined groups with distinct expressions and cultural manifestations that we will show you in this article.1. Maleku TribeThis indigenous tribe...
Parable # 24: Taking Care of Your Instrument
(This week is the 27thinstallment of the book, “The Band Director’s Lessons About Life”, which TCRN is publishing as a series during 2020. This week, band director and spiritual author Donald Lee relates a parable about taking care of...
Culture & Lifestyle
Approved by Legislative Assembly the Transfer of National Holidays to Mondays Until 2024
With the premise of encouraging national tourism, the legislators of Costa Rica approved to move the holidays this year, and from 2021 to Mondays. The initiative (Bill 21,941), which represents an addition to the Labor Code, was presented by...
Culture & Lifestyle
Government Offers Funding For Cultural Organizations in the Country
The Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ) announced the opening of the “Culture Points”, which aim to create conditions for the exercise of citizen’s cultural rights
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Costa Rica’s Neutral Compass: Navigating a Turbulent World
In a global landscape increasingly defined by polarization and conflict, Costa Rica's enduring commitment to neutrality stands as a...