
    Wellness Psilocybin In Altered States Of Consciousness

    Connect with your most authentic self and eliminate negative affects

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    Today, retreat centers offer us much more than hydromassage and aesthetic treatments.Wellness or well-being is a very broad concept that encompasses the whole person. And since we are made up of about 70% water, this well-being cannot be found very far from it.

    That is why all the “hydro” treatments and the sounds of nature are at the base of the therapies for relaxation and elimination of stress and thus achieve a mental state of tranquility.This will influence our health globally, as multiple scientific studies have shown.

    But, once in the retreat of a wellness center you have disconnected from your hectic pace of life, what else can they offer you?

    Dr. Barret has a lot to say about this. If it will be the next thing or not in the wellness centers, judge for yourself.Who is Frederick Streeter Barret?

    Neuroscientist, Doctor of Psychology from the University of California (USA), Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA.

    Dr. Barret has studied through brain scans the reactions that certain natural chemical therapies have in different areas of the brain and the evolution of the emotions associated with them.

    Music causes us temporary feelings. But during a psychedelic experience, with an altered state of consciousness, those feelings are up to four times more intense with that same music. In addition, its effects can last over time.During a psychedelic experience, feelings are up to 4 times more intense

    Following this line of scientific research, Dr. Barret has shown that these experiences have a therapeutic aspect.Its impacts, measurable on the brain, have beneficial effects to rid us of negative emotions, cure mood disorders, depression, anxiety, as well as pathologies derived from substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, etc.).

    Here is his brief but illustrative lecture:

    Psychedelia, music and nostalgia

    Music evokes deep feelings.One of the investigations that supports his theories is:

    “Psilocybin-occasioned mystical-type experience in combination with meditation and other spiritual practices produces enduring positive changes in psychological functioning and in trait measures of prosocial attitudes and behaviors”

    What is psilocybin?

    It is a natural chemical present in so-called magic mushrooms (hallucinogens).According to the psilocybin website, there are more than 200 species of mushrooms that contain this principle.

    Benefits of an altered state of consciousness

    The main external signs of an altered state of consciousness are temporary loss of attention and drowsiness.In our case, they are induced by the microdosing of the active principle of magic mushrooms: psilocybin.

    Once its effect has passed and according to its practitioners, the most obvious benefits are to help with concentration and organization of daily work. And regarding the spiritual dimension of the human being, they show emotional advances (empathy).

    Psychedelic experiences with psilocybin

    Magic mushrooms

    Magic mushrooms are known as a type of mushroom whose consumption produces hallucinogenic effects. Its development is aerial, unlike those included under the name of magic truffles, which grow underground.The hallucinogenic active ingredient is psilocybin that we have discussed before.

    Where can I get them?

    If you are an expert in mushrooms you can look for them in the field in specific places. But beware, if you are an expert. Otherwise, you are putting your health at risk by confusing psilocybin mushrooms with other highly toxic and even deadly ones.

    That is why your best options are two:

    a) Grow them from seed, controlling humidity and temperature to achieve rapid and healthy development.

    b) Buy ready-to-eat mushrooms or truffles in a legal online store.

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