There is nothing sadder for a worker than waking up suffering every day from having to go to work in a negative environment. When there is a toxic environment in a company, it is usually quickly transmitted to employees creating a contagious culture, which is why it is important to analyze to what extent one is part of that environment, how much it is impacting their well-being, and if it is being willing to stay in it.
It must be clear that a toxic work environment is nourished by many factors, among them; gossip, lawsuits, harassment, yelling, mistreatment, bosses that do not value the work or that do not listen to their subordinates and that, on the contrary, participate and celebrate the gossip and do not know how to communicate. In addition, when people do not know how to deal with their personal or family problems, they also bring a bad attitude to work, causing a hostile environment around them and, consequently, a toxic environment.

On the other hand, the lack of ability to manage subordinates with successful leadership often turns managers into the initiators of inadequate work environments, since they are not capable of motivating their collaborators, they do not recognize their merits, they do not there are motivational spaces, on the contrary, they tend to degrade them. Other aspects that affect the work environment are the preferences for some subordinates and the small groups –or discriminatory bubbles– that belittle and tease others openly and shamelessly.
Unfortunately, also in the world of work there are bosses and collaborators who evade their responsibility, are disrespectful, coarse, jokers, incapable of recognizing merit; on the contrary, they undermine the worker’s self-esteem. “You have to understand that in everyday life we can be surrounded by spaces or people that are toxic. Let us remember that there are individuals with different personalities, diverse life histories and a variety of problems that do not always click with one, but there are also times when certain people, even if they are good people, sometimes are not suitable for one at the right time, reason for which a short circuit is generated that must be identified in time”, explained Álvaro Solano, director of Psychology at Universidad Fidélitas.
What should be done then?
• Use your emotional intelligence to interact with peers.
• Try to use good communication and be assertive with others.
• Be respectful at all times and demand respect.
Understand that all people are different. You are born with a temperament and, therefore, in life you are more in tune with some and a little further away from others and there are others with whom you do not click:
• Guard against gossip.
• Always avoid toxic conversations between colleagues.
• Do not repeat negative behavior patterns.
• Avoid bringing matters of your personal or family life to the links established at work, remember that friendships are relative and that it is not good to tell everything.
• Choose positive people to share.
Similarly, in unconstructive environments at work, it is positive to set distances and establish limits:
• Know how you can interact with each one based on your personality and theirs, as there are people who don’t realize how negative they can be with others.

• Assess how much your job is impacting your health and quality of life and make corrective decisions before it’s too late.
• If there is a human resources department, try to make suggestions to improve the environment.
• Do not give so much mind to the negative of the work. Look for different forms of entertainment to compensate and feed the spirit.
Now, if there is no way to deal with a toxic work environment and it is affecting your quality of life, try to find the exit route by applying for a new job.