Rest is necessary, make time for yourself.
Rest in the form of gratitude, do not expect to have to do it for a health condition, work rest is a form of prevention of certain conditions.
Rest is essential for the mind. When you don’t rest, your memory, attention, and concentration skills suffer.
Rest allows our brain to adequately assimilate the information it receives. In this way we eliminate another belief that we have unhealthy to think that we can do “several things at the same time”.
We go very fast through life at times and this can become a trap in the medium and long term.In each rest, processes of some systems are favored, such as the immune system.
In addition, adequate breaks protect our heart and promote healthy weight control because it allows proper stress management. When we subject our body to chronic stress, we generate more adrenaline and cortisol that increase blood pressure and heart rate.
Knowing how important rest is, we need to become aware of spaces and promote our mental health every day.