
    International Arts Festival 2024 Announces Venues and Dates in the Provinces of Guanacaste and San José

    Registration period for competitive funds FIA 24 is open and closes at 11:59 p.m., April 1st, 2024

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    The Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ) announces the cantons that will be the main venues for the International Arts Festival 2024 (FIA2024) in Guanacaste: Santa Cruz, Nicoya, Cañas and Liberia; Likewise, it will travel with caravans through the districts of the 11 cantons, from November 8 to 17, 2024; and San José center will be sub-headquarters, from December 4 to 8, 2024.

    The most important cultural festival in the country

    “The International Arts Festival is the most important cultural festival in the country, and this 2024 it transcends geographically, because for the first time in its history, we will take the main festival headquarters outside the capital. We are going to Guanacaste from November 8 to 17, with a proposal that arises from a stage of technical, logistical, artistic, cultural and territorial analysis, which come together in a design according to the particularities of the cantons of the Chorotega Region and the San José locations. Santa Cruz, Nicoya, Cañas and Liberia will be the main venues for FIA 2024; complemented with a caravan trip through various districts of Guanacaste, opening the window to the richness and cultural diversity of these territories, also adding the center of San José, as a sub-headquarters” indicated NayuribeGuadamuz Rosales, Minister of Culture and Youth.

    Guanacaste is an outstanding destination in the cultural and artistic field, it is a territorial area resulting from a history with high heritage wealth, a product of cultural diversity and the multiple migrations and populations that inhabited and inhabit the province. This province enriches national culture and becomes an element with high value when choosing to hold the 2024 International Arts Festival.

    “The existence of artistic and humanistic institutions at the secondary level in the region, the universities present, the multiplicity of heritage and artistic manifestations in population centers, coastal places, the slopes of the volcanoes and the gulf, allow Guanacaste to be today nourish that creative effervescence that becomes a strength to be the headquarters of the FIA,” the minister emphasized.

    For her part, Vera Beatriz Vargas León, Vice Minister of Culture, expressed: “It is key to mention that within the framework of the 200th anniversary of the Annexation of the Nicoya Party to Costa Rica and protected by Executive Decree No. 43637-C, which creates the Auxiliary Commission to commemorate the 200 years of the Annexation, the institutions are invited so that we must be willing to join the National Bicentennial Program, as a commemoration of an anniversary that has national scope. With this, the call of deputies of Guanacaste, Federation of Municipalities of Guanacaste, Chamber of Tourism of Guanacaste and the Auxiliary Commission of the Bicentennial of the Annexation for Guanacaste to become the headquarters of the FIA ​​in 2024 is answered.

    Dates and locations

    In the cantons of Santa Cruz, Nicoya, Cañas and Liberia, FIA2024 will be in an itinerant manner and will generate activations in public spaces of social convergence, starting in Santa Cruz and Nicoya on November 8, 9 and 10; It will move through three caravans in: Nandayure (Carmona), Hojancha (center), Nicoya (Sámara and Mansión), Santa Cruz (Tamarindo and Cartagena), Carrillo (Filadelfia and El Coco), La Cruz (center and Cuajiniquil), Bagaces ( center and Guayabo), Cañas (Bebedero), Abangares (center), Tilarán (center and Nuevo Arenal), and the Municipality of Colorado and Liberia, on November 12, 13 and 14, to finally move to Cañas and Liberia on November 15, 16 and 17.

    “The Caravan of the Arts allows us to reach every corner of the towns of Guanacaste, which is why the design is reflected in a creative, artistic, technical and logistical approach, which responds to activating venues and communities en route, allowing the Festival to be move in an itinerant way, so various communities will enjoy FIA2024,” said NayuribeGuadamuz Rosales, Minister of Culture and Youth.

    The FIA ​​2024 sub-headquarters in San José will be concentrated for five days, and will run from December 4 to 8, with programming in emblematic places such as the National Theater of Costa Rica, the Antigua Aduana Cultural Complex, the Teatro the Alberto Cañas Escalante Customs House, the Dance Theater, the National Cultural Center, the Children’s Museum and the Plaza de la Democracia.

    The entire FIA ​​2024 programming is outlined for large, medium and small scale locations, reaching diverse audiences, such as children, youth, adults and older adults, with stage shows, workshops, special activities, meetings, literature, visual arts, among others.

    FIA24 call

    The Artistic and Cultural Production Center (CPAC), the entity that produces the FIA2024, opened the period for submitting projects for competitive funds for the programming of national artistic and cultural activities in the International Arts Festival 2024 (FIA 2024), to continue supporting the artistic and cultural sector, as established by the Emergency and Cultural Rescue Law (No. 10041) and its regulations, Executive Decree No. 43530-C.

    These funds allow financing artistic production projects prepared by creators, performers, researchers, producers, promoters, managers or any other person working in art and culture, whether natural or legal persons, who meet the requirements established in the bases of participation.

    Interested persons can download the participation bases on the Google forms platform and access the registration form through the following link: registration period began on February 20, 2024 and ends at 11:59 p.m., on April 1, 2024.

    Form for institutions

    In the call there is also an exclusive form for those public institutions that want to be part of the programming and for this purpose, they must fill it out.Institutional proposals will be received through the online form:

    Call for international groups

    A call for international artists will be promoted through coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, as well as with the diplomatic corps stationed in the country. Other international artists will be managed through contributions from collaborators and strategic alliances.

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