Costa Rica can take advantage of the surplus potential of Distributed Solar Generation at a time when the country is generating electricity with Bunker.The Chamber of Distributed Generation (CGD) makes a call to take advantage of the very low-cost generation surpluses that the country possesses thanks to the existing 150 MW of installed capacity of Distributed Generation; given the situation of low hydrology that is currently affecting the generation capacity of hydroelectric plants in the national electrical system.
Jan Borchgrevink, President of the CGD stated that:
At a time when the country is temporarily heavily dependent on thermal plants and import prices in the regional electricity market are not so competitive; Taking advantage of the surpluses of distributed generators would contribute to mitigating the future tariff effects due to the recognition to ICE of the variable cost of generation (CVG) that will inevitably impact the pockets of thousands of Costa Rican households.
We know that Costa Rica is going through a moment of transition towards the El Niño phenomenon that implies a significant drop in the amount of rain and the country’s water flow, but at the level of solar energy we are able to increase national investment to strengthen our matrix energy with more sources with very low generation costs.