Representatives of environmental institutions from different countries are meeting at COP19 CITES, in Panama. In this event, key issues for the region in terms of flora and fauna are shared.
A delegation from Costa Rica, made up of specialists from the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and the Costa Rican Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INCOPESCA), participated in the activity and presented options to strengthen the protection of wildlife.
During the meeting, a proposal to strengthen the protection of glass frogs was approved, proposed by: Costa Rica, Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ivory Coast, El Salvador, Gabon, Gunea, Nigeria, Panama , Peru, Togo and the United States.
Guarantee that the international trade of the species is legal, sustainable and traceable
“Taking this step is necessary to guarantee that the international trade of the species is legal, sustainable and traceable to protect its wild populations in the medium and long term,” explained Rafael Gutiérrez, Vice Minister of the Environment.
According to MINAE, 12 members of this family of frogs are highly threatened and it is difficult to differentiate them between other less endangered species, which makes it necessary to promulgate protection for all glass frogs.
For example, within the contributions of Costa Rica, it is found to be proponents on issues of frogs of the Centronelidae family and turtles of the Rhinoclemmys genus; be co-proponents in turtles genera Chelus and Kinosternon, as well as in resolutions for the conservation of sea turtles, amphibians, seahorses and jaguars.