A few months ago, the Chancellor, Arnoldo André, had announced that the figure of “virtual embassies” would be used. In them, ambassadors are appointed who attend to their work from San José by virtual route and make one or two annual trips to their destination country, thus curbing millionaire transportation and maintenance expenses.
The plan is about to materialize and, in an interview, André announced that approval has already been requested to appoint delegates in Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Saving the annual maintenance costs
“The country is going to save the annual maintenance costs of an office in those capitals that are very expensive,” said the chief.The implementation of the system required an adjustment in the Casa Amarilla Class Manual, which once ready allows its application.
Other nations like Singapore already apply that figure with Costa Rica. The ambassador, ChalyMahCheeKheong, attends to his work from his country in Asia.
Time to rotate diplomats
With each change of administration, one of the tasks that arrives is that of diplomatic appointments.On the one hand, there are the ambassadors. In this case, it was promised to give emphasis to those with a career and, in addition, trusted appointments have been made (figures such as former defender Catalina Crespo in the United States and former congressman Pablo HeribertoAbarca in Mexico).
The appointment of a long list of figures who had been appointed in the PAC periods was also ceased.On the other hand, the country’s offices abroad have a broader list of officials, highlighting consuls, ministers and advisers.The regulations establish that after five years of service abroad, people must return to work in San José for at least two years.
“The concern now is rotation, you have to bring a contingent of them who are already meeting the legal deadlines for them to return and send others. This is in constant evolution with a qualifying evaluation that appoints them and promotes them”, explained the Chancellor.