
    Things to Do

    Explore the Enigmatic and Enchanting Islands of Costa Rica!

    If you are looking for an adventure and not precisely the type that is in the Jurassic Park movie, believe it or not, Costa Rican islands do not have dinosaurs, but they do have endless other plants and wild...

    Orosí and Ujarrás Scenic Lookouts: One-of-a-Kind Experience

    Many of us have the idea of going on a fun trip but, sometimes, it is money and time consuming, that is why we want to suggest some great places for a simple family excursion without the need for...

    Creativity as a Source of Inspiration for the Advancement of Mankind

    Creativity represents the ability to give rise to something new, to things we have not yet perceived. Creativity forces us to use intelligence and find appropriate solutions in certain cases. It is a dynamic process, a living and changing...

    Meditation as a Means of Connection with Our Valuable Inner Self

    Meditation is a method that allows us to connect with our inner self, to develop certain personal abilities that permit people to discern more clearly and calmly our perception of reality. It helps us, therefore, to observe consciously from...

    Lisímaco Chavarría Palma, One of the Most Important Poet in the History of Costa Rican Literature.

    Lisímaco Chavarría Palma (San Ramón, Costa Rica, May 10, 1878 - August 27, 1913) was a Costa Rican writer and poet. Of humble origins and scarce academic training, in his short life, he managed to position himself as one...

    The Important Art of Being a Good “Conversationalist” For All Circum-stances

    When we are good conversationalists we find, anywhere we go the ease of expressing ourselves, to start a conversation with anyone, even with an unknown. We feel the need to interact and dialogue with people to obtain or give...

    How to Achieve Effective and Rewarding Interpersonal Communications

    Every individual is part of a social group: family, work, recreational, etc. And he/she maintains relationships with people of different sex, age, religion, socio-economic and educational level.Interpersonal relationships depend on the communication and affinity that exists between the members...

    True Love and Toxic Love: It Is Very Important To Know the Differences between Them

    True love is an inspiration, sometimes even suffering, everyone wants to live it, and some have never felt it. This is undoubtedly one of the simplest but realistic definitions of this wonderful and mysterious dimension of human existence. This...

    In This Month of Love, “fall in Love with Tango”

    February is the month of love, the month where many people celebrated being able to be together and share so many special moments; It is the month where friends celebrate the friendship of years, admiring each other every day....

    The Best Mattresses on a Budget

    It is not painless to walk into a mattress store and make a purchase. It is a big money decision that you have to make at some point. A mattress is essentially a necessity, but that doesn’t mean that...
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    Latest News

    The Long-Term Challenge of Costa Rica’s Power Supply

    Costa Rica has been a pioneer in renewable energy, with over 95% of its electricity coming from renewable sources...
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