

    The Effects of a Trump Presidency on Medical and Dental Tourism

    Say the word “Trump” and watch out!  You are likely to hear cheers and have a rally form impromptu, and witness an equal and opposing group of people show up to protest, argue or fight - depending upon the...

    TCRN Appoints Medical/Dental Correspondent, Introduces New Column

    The Costa Rica News has appointed Johns Hopkins M.B.A. and well-known medical and dental tourism expert Howard Siegler as its Medical Correspondent.  Management said: “We are pleased to have Siegler as a contributor at TCRN and look forward to...

    Johns Hopkins M.B.A. Publishes Dental Tourism Guide

    Howard Siegler, Medical Correspondent for The Costa Rica News and long-time dental tourism advocate published The Beginner’s Guide to Dental Tourism.  Siegler says the short book is obviously no literary masterpiece but is a great starting point for those considering...

    10 Reasons to start Practicing Yoga

    Knock, knock: A New Year is waiting for you to make it awesome. With the fresh start of 2017 many people make up their resolutions about what they want to achieve this year. As the last years have shown,...

    Why We Need More Nursing Administrators in Healthcare

    Healthcare is at a critical stage in the United States and elsewhere around the world because, quite frankly, there is a shortage with qualified medical personnel. While every effort is being made to entice more young students into the...

    Do You Know Why Costa Rica Is A Great Place to Retire?

    Thousands of foreigners from a wide variety of countries have chosen Costa Rica as the best place to retire.  Certainly the world-class health system, the amazing biodiversity and sheer beauty, the well-designed infrastructure, the special visa application for retirees,...

    The World of Business Is Changing – Have You Noticed?

    Something extraordinary is happening in the world of business, and it is going to create some very big shifts in our world. The world of business is changing. While we regularly see news about the affairs of ‘big business’,...

    Mexican Beekeepers Win Case Against Monsanto

    Countries all around the world are banning GM foods and products, the pesticides used to grow them, or placing severe restrictions on their use. In fact, people all over the world are organizing mass demonstrations, and resisting the biotech...

    Bill Introduced to Legalize Medical Marijuana and Hemp in Costa Rica

    All around the world, different countries are considering the question of whether to legalize marijuana for medical purposes, as well as the growing of hemp for industrial uses. There have been any number of reports and studies to gain...

    The Importance of Your Pineal Gland For Over-All Health and Well-Being

    Within the center of everyone’s brain is a small pine cone-shaped endocrine gland, known as the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located very close to the pituitary gland. This tiny, yet very important gland is responsible for many...
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    Costa Rica’s Leading Role in Environmental Conservation

    Costa Rica, despite its relatively small size, is home to around 6% of the world’s biodiversity. Its diverse landscapes,...
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