
    Johns Hopkins M.B.A. Publishes Dental Tourism Guide

    Must Read

    German Carias
    I approach life as a continuous stream of opportunities for growth and learning through human interactions and personal exploration. In my quest for sharing a positive, dynamic, and nuanced perspective on world affairs, I became involved as an author for TCRN.In 2012 I was selected by Shell Oil as one of the top 25 global energy entrepreneurs.Involved in Blockchain Technology and Digital Currency since 2016.Passionate about transforming people’s lives through community CoLiving and CoWorking.

    Howard Siegler, Medical Correspondent for The Costa Rica News and long-time dental tourism advocate published The Beginner’s Guide to Dental Tourism.  Siegler says the short book is obviously no literary masterpiece but is a great starting point for those considering traveling abroad for dental care.  He says the guide is concise, easy to digest, and full of no-nonsense, straight forward, useful information.  He said: “It is not the first book on the subject, but it is the first written by an insider – someone who has actually worked for years on the front lines INSIDE popular dental clinics which cater to dental tourists.”

    Siegler said: “It provides a basic overview of dental tourism and doesn’t force the reader to dedicate hours to a subject that most people would rather not have to consider at all.”  Face it, dental work is not fun, and reading about it isn’t a whole lot more fun than having it done!  Not many people want to read a thick book on the topic.  That said, some people do want a more comprehensive read on the subject and Siegler maintains his work in progress, The Definitive Guide to Dental Tourism, co-Authored with Dr. Peter Aborn, D.D.S., will quench those reader’s thirst.

    Siegler served as a front-line Patient Coordinator at renowned dental clinics in Costa Rica for years, and with his latest publication has taken the mystery out of receiving dental care in a foreign country.  The Beginner’s Guide to Dental Tourism can help each person determine whether or not dental tourism may be appropriate given his/her particular needs and circumstances.  He notes in the guide that traveling for medical or dental care is not for everyone, but it is appropriate for many, and obviously expands North American’s health care choices.

    Dental Tourism

    While Siegler focuses on dental tourism, he maintains the information and advice he provides can be equally adapted to medical tourists seeking cosmetic surgery or other medical services overseas.  He said: “Basically, dental tourism is a segment of the larger medical tourism industry, and patients have similar questions, needs and considerations when determining if care abroad is the best way to proceed.

    The medical and dental tourism sector has been growing year over year, and new dental providers popping up left and right in countries which cater to patients from abroad.  Siegler believes the general public will be well served by having some material that helps guide them thru the maze and avoid some common pitfalls.  People who speak host country languages and know the lay of the foreign lands they plan to visit obviously can go it alone.  For the others, the majority of travelers who are not so fortunate or well prepared, Siegler’s Guide will be a welcome edition on the shelves of their libraries, or their Kindle.

    The Beginner’s Guide to Dental Tourism is available now and those who want to make sure they get their Guide as soon as possible, please email the Author at [email protected] to request a FREE copy.

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