Botanical Gardens of Costa Rica: The Best Preserved Ones of Central America
The sense of belonging is one of the factors that always involve both specialists and the general public of Costa Rica. They share the common goal of creating organizations to generate greater involvement in the caring of Costa Rica’s...
Government and International Organizations Call for the Replacement of Plastics for Single Use in Costa Rica
In accordance with global efforts for the protection of the planet, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), the United Nations Development Program in Costa Rica (UNDP), and the Costa Rica - United States for Cooperation (CRUSA) Foundation, call...
Virgin Forests All Around the World Are Disappearing Fast
Between 2014 and 2016, the virgin forests of the world lost an area of 90,000 square kilometers per year. That area is equivalent to almost the double of Costa Rica's territory (51,100 Km2), so several experts are on alert...
Have You Ever Heard of Canopy Shyness?
Nature is awesome! It surprises us with its mathematical accuracy in the form of seashells, with incredible adaptations such as the change of color of the chameleon, with the dance of the tides, or with the elongated peaks of...
Costa Rica Continues to Be An Example in Ecological Sustainability
Costa Rica is the Central American country that has an unequaled biodiversity with approximately half a million different species among plants, animals, and landscapes.
Use of Plastics in Public Institutions of Costa Rica is Restricted from Now On
Plastic is one of the materials that top the list of major environmental pollutants in Costa Rica.Volunteers and environmentalists have warned about the incorrect disposal of this material, which often ends up being thrown by people to the rivers...
Open-Pit Mining Prohibited in Costa Rica
Open-pit mining is an industry that creates very negative environmental, visual, human, and cultural impacts.It is an industrial activity that is carried out by the removal of large quantities of soil and subsoil that are processed mainly with substances...
Costa Rica Breaks Records in Reforestation
In recent times, deforestation linked to the logging and burning of trees has produced an abrupt change in our ecosystem, caused by human action. This process has been due to the destruction of forest areas. The phenomenon occurs in...
Meet the Incredible Crocodiles of the Tárcoles River
The bridge over the river is considered one of the favorite destinations for residents and tourists. This wonderful place has a special attraction: the American crocodile, which hides in its waters
TEWS Teams Up With Local Law Firm To Further Sustainable Energy Project
Recently, Total Energy To Waste Solutions (TEWS) announced its plans to build a waste to energy plant and a municipal solid waste (MSW) energy park. This park will be the first of its kind in Latin America. In order...
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Filling Beaches With Awnings Without Control Affects the Tourist Experience”, state Costa Rican Tourism Authorities
The uncontrolled proliferation of chairs, awnings and massage tables on the beaches of Costa Rica threatens free circulation and...