
    Culture & Lifestyle

    Tico Markets:Food Culture And Traditions

    Costa Rica is a benchmark of cultural diversity and tradition for tourists and visitors from all around the world.A country with an energetic activity to keep and settle its own culture in a land proud of its heritage and...

    Costa Rica: A Paradise For Retirees From Around The World

    Every year, more and more people are deciding to retire and enjoy the last stage of their lives in Costa Rica, but have you ever wondered what is special about living in this small Central American country? Retiring in...

    ¡Sí Señor!  Aqui Hablamos Español

    Let's Celebrate Our LanguageOn this day, April 23, speakers of Spanish around the world celebrate "El Día del Idioma Español". It is a tribute to Spain's best-known writer, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, who died 402 years ago. Cervantes is...

    Let´s give our planet a hand

    Earth Day: Raising Environmental AwarenessIn a corner of the Milky Way a blue planet orbits a yellow dwarf sun. Home to several billion human beings, plants and animals, it has often been compared to a spaceship. Her name is...

    Costa Rican Aborigines, the beginning of our people

    Since Cristobal Colon´s travel to America, the original inhabitants from those territories start to become minorities in every country they lived.Costa Rica instead still has 8 aboriginal groups living according to their own cultures.According to the 2000 census, the...

    Love For Our Pets: The Best Trends

    In Costa Rica, families once had mixed-breed dogs, known as zaguates, which they fed with household waste and gave little attention to their health. Today the tico shows preferences for the animals of race, although the mestizo zaguates are...

    Kissing Day, a date to enjoy

    The International Kiss Day is celebrated on April 13 of each year, a date that emerged thanks to the longest kiss in history, which lasted 58 hours and was played by a Thai couple during a contest.The couple, in...

    A Champion For Equality and Human Rights

    Nowadays, when people think of heroes, they probably imagine buffed-up men  or women in skimpy oufits, who solve problems using a variety of superhuman abilities. But not all heroes dress in spandex or come from an alien planet. 50...

    Venezuela in Mourning After the Death of José Antonio Abreu

    The Venezuelan director, who founded the System of Children and Youth Orchestras to help fight poverty, died at the age of 79.The System of Children's and Youth Orchestras of Venezuela confirmed last Saturday (March  24th, 2018) the death of...

    Traditional Costa Rican Food For Easter Season

    Easter is possibly the most important season for followers of Christianity, following the Catholic customs, in Costa Rica is celebrated annually the Holy Week in commemoration of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ, and one of the clearest...
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    Latest News

    Costa Rica’s Neutral Compass: Navigating a Turbulent World

    In a global landscape increasingly defined by polarization and conflict, Costa Rica's enduring commitment to neutrality stands as a...
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