74% of residents in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM) of Costa Rica and with pets in their homes want more animal-friendly businesses.This is reflected in a recent study carried out by the firm UnimerCentroamérica, which interviewed 387 people, men and women of legal age, and from different socioeconomic levels.
This survey found that 99% of the people consulted have a pet. Among them (multiple answers can add up to more than 100%):
Dogs: 85%
Cats: 59%
Parrots: 7%
Fish: 7%
Turtle: 4%
Given that dogs are the most widespread pet, the pollsters asked: do you agree with the fact that shopping centers, hardware stores, restaurants and stores allow access to dogs?Just over 7 out of 10 people responded affirmatively. 18% said they didn’t care and only 8% disagreed.
People were also asked: how Pet Friendly would you say the businesses in Costa Rica are with regards to pets?70% said that businesses are not yet. 30% thought that they are
Have you taken your dog to pet-friendly hotels, restaurants or shopping malls?
Yes: 48%. No: 52%
Adoption first
Unimer also found that the people consulted have chosen more to adopt than to buy.When asked: how did you get your pet or pets? (multiple answers can add up to more than 100%).The 6 reasons with the most mentions are:
30%: a neighbor or friend gave it to me for adoption
24%: they gave it to me as a gift
20%: I adopted her from a shelter
16%: it arrived at my house and I left it
13%: a family member could not take care of her and gave her to me
12%: I bought it at a specialized breeder
Other questions:
How often do you take your pet to the vet:
36%: when they get sick
33%: twice a year
18%: every 3 months
9%: once a month
3%: never
1%: NS/NR
Type of food you give your pet:
38%: concentrated food alone
37: concentrated food and sometimes I add meat and chicken
16%: concentrated food and sometimes I add vegetables or fruit
8%: concentrated food and sometimes I add bones
1%: what the family eats at home
In which area do you invest the most in your pet? (multiple answers can add up to more than 100%):
94%: concentrated food
40%: hygiene products
34%: medicines
18%: prizes
9%: Toys
Do you usually take your dog on long-distance walks?
Yes 64%
No 36%