Love is ethereal, abstract, energy and intangible consciousness. But according to sages of ancient Greece it is colored and can vary according to the intensity of the feeling from tone to tone within the soul even, if you do not believe it.

The word love comes from the Latin Amor-Oris, which refers to a point that encompasses or intertwines with others. With special emphasis on the different types of feelings (affection, passion, understanding, kindness, solidarity among others) that are mixed when feeling love.
To understand the language of love that the soul speaks, it is appropriate to go back to the past, back to ancient Greece, a place that today is known worldwide among other things for giving each color its significance, in order to express each emotion or feeling.
That is why for a long time in a large part of the countries of the world different types of meanings have been given to the different tones of the existing color palette. Through the following material we want to go beyond the screen and show the true essence of this day. Where values as pure and important as love and friendship stand out.
Among the various colors that are attributed to the feelings that the soul treasures, the pink is synonymous with feelings of love linked to candor, sweetness and innocence, white represents feelings of peace, purity and innocence, the red represents ambition, passion and power and finally yellow that can denote feelings linked to platonic love or joys for triumphs and riches.

February 14th
February 14th is a date that nobody leaves indifferent. This time at The Costa Rica News we invite you to enjoy celebrating it. Yes, your way. Without getting carried away by social or commercial impositions. We believe that it is worth spending (at least) one day a year to forget about negativity and problems, and instead celebrate love and friendship.
The Color of Love
But does love have color? What color is love? This will depend on each human being of their humor, personality and behavior. It is believed according to an ancient legend which has inspired this material that in contrast to what many think the color of love is blue and not red. To finish leveraging this idea, the Mexican Mario Barghomz. Great writer, essayist, art critic and philosopher.

He expresses the following idea through his essays: “If love has a color that must be blue because blue is the color of the sky, serenity and patience. Blue must also be the color of eternity because blue is the color of faith, love and virtue. The character of Romeo in love with Juliet must also be blue in color because blue is his loyalty, blue will also be his death and grief”.
What color is your feeling?
The correct answer should be a thousand colors. But the truth is that we are perfectly different, we do not all understand, see or perceive life under the same environment. In this particular case, it is not about rescuing values of society such as love and friendship.

It is about rescuing the essence of an important day in our lives, turning it into “Pura Vida” and not letting it continue to be lost with imposed gifts and unnecessary dinners that will not fill your soul. Today I invite you to examine yourself and discover what color is the love you feel for that person you have become your partner, or for your family and friends?.