The child observes his surroundings and is comparing, classifying and analyzing. Thus he progressively establishes relationships and categories (high-low, big-small, many-few). Here are some of the ideal routines for the little ones to help out in their growth process.
Routines and the repetition of activities and sequences are essential at this stage, as they allow to discover concepts like before and after, differentiate the times of the day and feel safe, something essential to gain autonomy.
They want to be independent, but are often frustrated when they fails to master many skills that are beginning to relish. Tantrums reach their peak around the age of two.
How to stimulate young children?
Children learn by playing. The game allows the child to make their own decisions, planning, building, etc .; In addition to developing their creativity, playing games allows to experience the feeling of mastery. In the game they practice new skills, discover the properties of everyday objects and interact with others …
Their vocabulary undergoes great advances in this age: we must talk to them while we go for a walk, when we see new things, in our daily activities – at lunchtime, or when making dinner.
From the age of two, children move from parallel play to sharing games with other children. They need opportunities to socialize with other children, although they will not yet want to share their toys and cannot obey the rules of a game yet.
This is the stage of imitation. The games focus on activities that adults do every day. They spend hours cleaning, feeding the dolls, scolding their baby dolls
- Play with imagination
A box can be a little house; an armchair, a boat, and the sea, the floor that mom is scrubbing.
- Stimulate coordination
Play to throw a ball through the air, to kick the ball. This will improve their skill.
- Work fine motor skills
Making necklaces out of macaroni or large beads improves your fine motor skills. Always under your control because he also likes to explore his body and the beads can end up in his nose or mouth.
- Stimulate sense of balance
Move around the house imitating movements: walk on tiptoe, with your heels, waving your arms like wings, jumping, etc.
- Help develop powers of observation
Finding objects of a certain color is a good game for trips or long waits.
- Teach them to love books
Read stories to him every day. You should set a time of day so that it becomes a pleasant ritual.
- Encourage to imitate
Ask them to prepare food for you, to help you dress the babies and gradually encourage to develop more activities
- Teach him to play with other children
Taking him to the park, motivating him to play with other children, respect his toys and share simple tasks that allow him to grow.
Routines that will make a difference and will gradually become a routine in your little one’s day-to-day. So don’t stop putting them into practice at home and you will immediately notice the difference.