What We Must Know to Travel this Thanksgiving in the Middle of the Pandemic

International airlines have announced the new temporary biosecurity measures that they have implemented at airports and during the flights for people who need travel amid the Pandemic.

Measures at the Departure Airport:

Access to the terminal will be limited to airport or airline employees and travelers (except those accompanying persons with disabilities or minors).

Body temperature will be taken at the access points at the airport.

There will be physical distancing throughout all passenger service processes, including the waiting lines.

Obligatory use of face masks by passengers and employees.

Self-services for check-in to minimize the influx of people at contact points and queues, electronic or printed boarding passes.

Self-service baggage handling with labels printed from home or self-boarding.

Cleaning and disinfection of high contact surfaces and continuous use of hand sanitizer.

Measures during flight:

The use of face masks is mandatory for all passengers and the crew.

Pre-packaged food and beverage services to reduce interaction between passengers and crew.

No queuing to enter the bathroom.

Deeper and improved cabin cleaning.

Measures at the Destination Airport:

Temperature is taken by qualified personnel.

Automated control in customs through applications for the telephone and biometric technology.

Streamlining the process of collecting luggage to reduce lines.

Affidavit of passenger health and effective contact monitoring. To reduce the risk of importing virus transmission chains.

Not fail-proof

No measure can reduce 100% the contagion risk by itself, but it should be noted that a mutually recognized and layered set of comprehensive measures is the most secure pathway.

Thanksgiving amid the Pandemic

Thanksgiving Day is a US holiday celebrated every year in the United States and Canada in which families gather around a large turkey dinner. Americans consider the fourth Thursday in November to be the most wonderful day of the year because they can express gratitude for all they have in life and can meet with their loved ones and enjoy a delicious family dinner.

Thanksgiving dinner includes corn filling, green bean stew, mashed potatoes, blueberry sauces, and apple pie with a giant scoop of vanilla ice cream, so indeed it is quite a delicious culinary experience to celebrate that day.

This holiday is based on gratitude. As a family, the tradition is that all those who are sitting at the table share something from last year for which they are grateful. It is always emotional and brings them all together in a very beautiful way.

Social Networks, an advantage in times of Pandemic

Social networks have become a very important window in these times of pandemic because through them we can know the opinions of our distant friends and family. Using this resource we have carried out the following survey through our Instagram social network @thetcrnews

Would you be willing to travel in these times to commemorate the festive dates?

The results of the survey were as follows: 56% said that they would be willing to travel and commemorate the festive dates since they need to be present during the coming festivities, like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas. And 44% said they would not travel during the Pandemic as travel increases the chances of contracting and spreading COVID-19.

To conclude, for those people who do not give up the idea of ​​traveling, do so with all the possible health security recommendations, in this way, you would be taking care not only of your health but also that of others.

Resonance Costa Rica