One of the greatest satisfactions of a mother is to see her healthy children, especially to see them eat well, knowing that her children have adequate growth and good nutrition brings peace and tranquility to a mother.
The issue of feeding your family, especially your children, transcends since they are in the womb. At this stage, take care of your diet for the good of both. More and more mothers are seeking professional advice for each of the stages of their children’s lives, we can see this from the moment their baby reaches their arms where an adventure begins with the act of breastfeeding and it is here when resorts to seeking information to improve your baby’s feeding, how to produce more milk and when to start the first feeding and so on your concern.
There are also questions about whether you’ll need multivitamins or if you’re overeating. Hence we hear the phrases “I think you are very thin or your concern about being overweight or obese”.
Gastronomy with mom’s traditions
We want to send a fraternal greeting to all those Tica mothers who day by day contribute to the nutrition of families. They are part of the training and education of all people, they have contributed to maintaining traditions in our gastronomy and, above all, to promoting healthy lifestyle habits in the population. Those mothers who, despite their daily work, are aware of the availability of food for their families, optimizing their resources of time and food availability to the maximum.
Nutrition does not mean high costs
These days one of the biggest concerns of mothers is the high cost of living and how to continue having a healthy diet with less money since a great variety of products has increased in price.

For this reason, we take advantage of this greeting to give you some advice that will allow you to optimize your resources:
- Prepare a weekly menu that includes dishes that fit your budget.
- Use the same vegetable in two preparations. For example, cabbage in a rice and a salad.
- Prepare compound dishes, for example, a compound dish can be a fixed rice that carries seasonal vegetables such as carrots, cooked cabbage, green beans, zucchini; and also some protein such as egg, chicken, tuna or meat.
- Eat fruit in season and sliced.
- Instead of juices drink water.
- Use all parts of the food. For example, with the stem of broccoli you can cook it separately and make pancakes with eggs; of the banana you can use the peel and combine it with other vegetables
- Avoid buying empty calorie foods like sugary cereal or cookies. And use that budget for nutritionally-quality foods instead.
- Beans, chickpeas, lentils are an excellent option to use daily, as a main dish or as a side dish.
- Gallo pinto is a very nutritious dish which is further enriched with ingredients such as coriander, onion, garlic and sweet chili. You only have to take care of the portion, it can be prepared and reserved properly to have it ready.

We invite all mothers to continue informing themselves with nutrition experts, since they are the right professionals to provide you with the best recommendations on a healthy lifestyle, especially regarding nutrition for the family.

For those who have experienced shifts in consciousness and know that more peace, joy, and love awaits in a better living environment. A bold shared vision. A living community and hub for innovation. A sustainable ecosystem for living and working. A model for the new future.