Increasing the number of people who live in San José and taking care of the historic center where there is a lot of cultural and scenic wealth, is the objective of a popular initiative in which urban planners, businessmen, architects, and engineers work, according to Gilberto Monge, who will be in charge of drafting a project to regenerate underused and abandoned buildings. The idea is that the capital city becomes a development engine for tourism, business and entertainment.

What does the initiative to regenerate the buildings of the Historic Center of San José consist of?
San José has a democratic heritage, it is the quintessential place where citizens meet each other, but also relate to the powers of the State and other institutions, carry out trade, enjoy art and culture. But, in addition, they should have the opportunity to reside.
For now, we are in a stage of normative, executable and sustainable support in the short, medium and long term to present a bill in a maximum period of 6 months. The idea is to regenerate the buildings in the historic center, which will become a development engine for tourism, business and entertainment.
At the moment, current regulations make it very difficult to transform these buildings, which are, in some cases, abandoned.

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