It’s about time the world gets to know the new project that has everyone vibrating; “Resonance”, all that it brings with it and some of those who are behind this wonderful path that yearns to connect, grow and project ideas.
Resonance was born of a group of self-empowered individuals who committed to do productive work and help others to do it also. Currently, being part of Resonance is a key factor necessary to achieve higher connection, objectives that, in turn, generate peace with oneself.
The main mission is: “communities of alternative lifestyles” …
As the slogan of Resonance says, the aim is to create communities with an alternative lifestyle or high vibrational living. More specifically, the philosophy aims at starting with joint working goals, while living together and later becoming part of the community. If your thoughts are focused on a conscious lifestyle and you seek to relate with people, with whom you can share your aspirations, definitely Resonance is for you. Do you want to establish greater challenges, with your own rules? You can not go wrong, Resonance is a free space for your creativity and aspirations.

Working with a vision to a more conscious, more human future …
It’s amazing, to meet with human beings who have a certain way of thinking, having many things in common with us, our passion directed towards entrepreneurship, to be more reflective, capable and even better, unlimited creativity.
If you have some kind of knowledge and work with technology, online marketing, you can generate sales, you are an expert in cooking, you teach yoga or you have a special talent, then it means that Resonance can be very useful for your present and future. What resonance seeks is your comfort and that love for what you do, integrally growing.

Resonance is fully aimed at the support of the entire corporate part, giving a new trend for its employees, looking for solutions to companies, on the way of thinking of the holistic human being, who no longer wants to be inside an office, or cubicle, but in a unique tropical environment, with organic meals, and much more. Nothing is better than working relax and when you close your computer look up and appreciate all the splendor of nature.
Some of the great people behind “Resonance”
You will ask who are behind the Resonance project? They are three great people, that the universe wanted to put together to create great ideas for a better way of life, of course towards the common good and that in one way or another, we always contribute to our planet.
They are a group of magical humans, all of them talented in their areas and full of fabulous energies in Resonance. Here are some of those amazing people that emit a beautiful frequency:
Kassandra Scardino, (Founder of The Temple Australia and creator of Light Point Crystal Therapy).
Kassandra is the Vision Director of The Temple Surry Hills, founded in May 2016. The Temple is a place where community-conscious events and workshops are organized on esoteric, metaphysical, wellness and shamanic themes of the new era.
She was born and raised in Sydney-Australia, being a person who has more to offer to the world than it seems. Far from the traditional teachings of shamanic and esoteric nature, this was the journey that Kassandra had been destined to undertake.
This young entrepreneur has empathic skills and also has potential after studying Pranic Healing, developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and became a full-time energy healer in 2011. Kassandra works as a psychic, energy healer, crystal teacher, spiritual coach and facilitator, and has traveled to Melbourne and Byron to organize workshops and events for herself and others, including the internationally recognized Dr. Robert Gilbert. At the beginning of 2018, its modality of therapy with Point-of-Light Crystals (POLCT) was internationally accredited.
Currently, she works to create a common mission of health, abundance, sustainability and well-being within the communities and a beacon for those who seek assistance in this journey towards a paradigm shift of the New Earth.

Daniel Yepez, (Founder and Spiritual Entrepreneur).
Daniel is an example of perseverance and vision to great achievements. The experience of this Venezuelan’s work life includes having been selected by Shell Oil as one of the 25 leading energy entrepreneurs in the world for its participation in cutting-edge biofuel programs that develop biodiesel raw material for energy markets in 2012.
He also participates as a university professor at the University of Costa Rica in entrepreneurship and part of the Think Tank incubator for the National University. Daniel has a testimony of his success that goes in the sense of an experience that changed his life and his direction. It was a sudden divorce that threw him into one of the darkest moments of his life, but it was the trigger point in his rebirth.
The purpose of Daniel in his day to day is to create transformation communities around the world, to help people live from deep inside their hearts. As Gnosis grows and expands, Daniel constantly moves to aspire and empower through new levels of personal status. This man highlights the humility and gratitude in every step he takes on Earth, his mission is to enlighten the world and all who inhabit it to always follow the best way in their lives.

Natashia Steenkamp, (Founder of Follow Your Bliss Costa Rica and Mama Africa Medicine).
Natasha is a retreat specialist, with healing experiences of international transformation that cultivate awakening and healing. Being originally from South Africa now calls Costa Rica her home.
During the past 5 years, she has been conducting health and wellness retreats, coordinating YTT programs and plant medicine ceremonies. She possesses an extraordinary force when it comes to coordinating and working with new talents and influencers.
She has been fortunate to have lived in several countries and traveled around the world exploring different healing practices. Traveling to Peru where she completed her RYS 200H yoga and meditation certification to deepen her spiritual connection. Natasha reminds her students that personal growth is not only powerful and self-enhancing but also has the potential to be fun and joyfully integrated into daily life.

Each of these people who contribute their knowledge and bring it to life via the Resonance movement, are living proof that you can take optimal actions forward, to live fully for obtaining a better future, where we all live satisfied with our interior and exterior self, and helps to engage from a more conscious perspective any type of eventuality that comes your way.
Meet the others behind the movement and on a High Vibrational Living path: behind-the-movement
“Resonance” seeks WorkExchangers, people who wish to participate or exchange their services (talents), so from The Costa Rica News, we invite you to step into our frequency www.ResonanceCR.com and learn more on how to participate. What will appear there?; a new more satisfying life that will be waiting for you.
Learn more about the exciting work exchange program at Resonance! CLICK HERE