
    Pay Per Head Services Allowing Local Bookies to Ride the Sports Betting Wave

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    The U.S. stock market was down for eight straight weeks, inflation in the United States is at a 40-year high, and gas prices are crushing Americans. But based on the latest sports betting stats, we wouldn’t know it.

    Since 2018, American players have bet $125 billion on sports, and it doesn’t look like there will be an end to the sports betting wave soon.

    In reality, American handicappers have bet much more than $125 billion. Bookies, those who run individual sportsbooks, don’t release betting stats even though bookmakers are thriving the most since the U.S. Supreme Court made it okay for states to legalize sports betting.

    Local bookies, those who live in Costa Rica, are having a banner year. One of the reasons is that the biggest companies in the bookie software industry reside in Costa Rica.

    What is pay per head?

    To compete with much larger sportsbooks, bookies must use advanced bookmaker software. Pay per head is a way for bookies to pay for essential sportsbook software on a per head basis.

    Bookies sign-up with an organization and use the company’s bookmaking software to run their online sportsbooks. The sportsbook operator then pays a small fee for each of their players.

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    Is paying per head cost-effective?

    Bookie costs make partnering with a pay per head services company attractive. Most companies charge only if a bookmaker’s customer makes a bet.

    Bookies indeed pay per head fees weekly. But considering per head prices on the high end are $13 and the average player bets $25 on a single game, the cost to online bookies is worth it.

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    Bookie website software offers value

    More importantly, advancements in PPH sports software allow local operators to compete with much larger sportsbooks. The local bookmaker can even compete with U.S.-based corporations like DraftKings and Fan Duel.

    Companies like DraftKings have seen their stock nosedive along with the broader market. After discovering how difficult it can be to run a sportsbook, Churchill Downs Inc., the company that runs the Kentucky Derby every year, will soon exit its online casino and sports betting businesses.

    Sportsbook entrepreneurs can manage costs since bookmakers pay when their players bet. The best per head companies offer add-on services that increase betting revenue and boost a bookmaker’s bottom line.

    Not only that, but the value PPH companies provide their customers goes far beyond a place for sports bettors to lay money on their favorite teams.

    Companies like offer agent payments and collections solutions, which means bookmakers can sign clients that don’t live in Costa Rica or even live in the United States. PayPerHead always runs a promotion and also offers local sportsbook agents and agents outside of Costa Rica a free sportsbook website consultation.

    Pay per head is why corporations that offer sports betting are running into roadblocks while individual bookies are thriving.

    Per head services allow anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit to run a sportsbook online that provides their customers everything a sizeable corporate sportsbook offers and, in many cases, more.


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