Costa Rican musicians -men and women- have the option of accessing a fund of ¢ 30 million. This money is thanks to the National Program for the Development of the Performing Arts (Proartes) and the National Music Center (CNM).
To have access to these resources it is important that interested persons take note of these requirements:
– Applicants have from this Monday until Friday, September 10th to register their projects.
– The participation bases, form and other relevant information are available on the website
Promoting Costa Rican performing arts
“Proartes aims to promote Costa Rican performing arts in dance, theater, and music, through financial support for specific projects. “This joint call with the CNM intends to contribute specifically to reactivate the music sector,” said Silvia Quirós Fallas, director of Proartes.

Who can participate?
– Dissemination of works by national composers (all musical genres).
– Didactic concerts for first, second childhood and adolescence (all musical genres).
– Creation of music videos and phonographies that contribute to the future marketing of national musical artists, whether within or outside the country.
In the case of these three categories, they must be projects located inside and outside the GAM, in person or, failing that, virtually.
– And, above all, that they are in the circuits and communities indicated in the National Development Plan (PND), or in the localities of origin of the musical artists.
If there is any doubt, those interested in participating can make inquiries electronically to the email: [email protected]