Costa Rica is located in the sixth position of the Latin American countries that lead in life expectancy according to Statista. On average, Ticos live 77 years according to a report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) published in November 2022. These data put the country above Argentina (76) and Mexico (75). Puerto Rico and Chile have the highest life expectancy in the region at 80 years.
Over time this indicator has increased sustainably, for example, in 1950 in Costa Rica people lived an average of 54 years. For the future, the expectation would continue to grow and the projections suggest that the national life expectancy for 2100 would be 91 years.
Latin American region with a loss
Due to the pandemic, the Latin American region was where life expectancy at birth fell the most in the world, with a loss of 2.9 years. And it is that, in 2019 the expectation was 75 years at the regional level and in 2021 it dropped to 72 years. These levels have not been seen since the beginning of the century.
“The loss is not only due to mortality from the coronavirus but also to other economic and social causes arising from the pandemic,” the publication states.