
    Lauren Love: “Natural Childbirth is a Sacred Moment of Union between a Woman and Mother Earth”

    Lauren is passionate about being at the service of women, holding sacred space for them to birth in pleasure, peace, and power

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    Lauren Love is a woman who arrived in Costa Rica, pregnant, more than seven years ago, from the United States, and fell in love with the natural beauty of the Central American nation, which motivated her to stay permanently in this charming country.

    She is currently dedicated to teaching Costa Rican women on how to prepare physically and psychologically for their maternity process, as well as teaching natural contraceptive methods.

    A sacred process

    For Lauren, childbirth is a sacred process of rebirth and reunion of the woman with herself, of living a divine time in harmony with nature, where she prepares herself mentally, physically, and spiritually from the inside of her being to bring her child into the world, overcoming her fears and enjoying the beauty and pleasure of feeling her baby leave the body in a natural way that makes her connect with Mother Earth.

    Throughout these years that Lauren has resided in Costa Rica, she has prepared various women in their natural childbirth process by teaching them how to empower themselves, let go of fear, and fully surrender to the power and pleasure available to us in birth. That is why Laurenis passionate about being at the service of women, holding sacred space for them to birth in pleasure, peace, and power.

    Natural birth control

    After years of struggling with side effects from birth control pills, Lauren discovered the way of natural birth control. She studied deeply the Fertility Awareness Method, a scientifically proven method over 99% effective, and from there learned many ways to enhance this method to allow for optimum protection and freedom.

    After years of deep study in natural birth control and coming to understand the dangerous effects of conventional methods Lauren realized that how we approach birth control is an intrinsic part of a woman’s life.

    Our choice to use conventional methods put women at great risk for highly increased risks of cancer, depression and anxiety, heart attack, nutritional deficiencies, the destruction of a healthy gut microbiome, and beyond. Furthermore, she realized that hormonal birth control essentially changes who a woman is and her expression in the world by altering their brain in powerful ways.

    Powerful keys to freedom

    She awakened to the fact that she must share how women can be empowered to practice natural birth control so that they can be truly free, truly healthy, and truly the most authentic expression of themselves in the world.

    With over 9 years practicing these natural methods, Lauren became deeply passionate about sharing these powerful keys to freedom and in making this path both easy to understand and easy to practice in real life.

    Her course, The Goddess Guide to Natural Birth Control is available in her Zoom workshops for people all over the world and in women’s circles here locally in Costa Rica with an online course being released soon.

    The reproductive sexual health teacher indicated that with the natural contraceptive methods that she promotes, empower women to truly understand their bodies and fertility and to harmonize with themselves like never before.

    She goes deeper into male empowerment as well for a birth control container that allows for optimum freedom and protection where both partners are empowered and their sexuality enhanced through this practice.

    Becoming parents should be a choice

    For Lauren becoming, parents should be a choice that people make with all their hearts and her teachings put you in control of this. She takes it even further by sharing methods that couples can use to even choose the sex of their baby with 80-90% accuracy.

    Lauren works with a revolutionary natural birth control company from the States called Smart Women’s Choice. She is the distributor for Costa Rica of this cream made from natural plant extracts that, with just a pea sized amount put inside the woman brings protection that’s 99.8% effective. With no hormones, no scent, no preservatives, and no side effects she brings this natural option for those who are ready to be free from conventional methods.

    With tens of thousands of women already using this cream with excellent results, Love feels it is a simple, powerful way to transition to natural birth control. She shares how to use it to supplement Fertility Awareness as well as how to use it on its own for very effective protection, naturally.

    A passion for art

    This extraordinary woman who has made Costa Rica her home and her heaven also has a passion for art. She helped create the “MovimientoSonrisa” when she lived in Lisbon, Portugal, with the purpose of bringing love, light, encouragement, and inspiration through art.

    “Art has the power to awaken us to our true nature. Her heart is to remind us, through her art of our true brotherhood with all life, of our true light, of Divine love, and of our capacity to have fun and connect with our inner child in every moment.”

    Messages that she shared in this movement, many coming from her daughter’s father, Christopher Michael Grant, a well known artist from Austin, Texas include “love more, worry less” “radiate love,” “may all your dreams come true,” “teach peace,” and ” believe in your own magic.” Sometimes, we all need reminders of the simple truth of the beauty of our beings and the Love in all things…

    In conclusion, Lauren Love shared that anyone wanting to work with her in the realms of natural birth or birth control can connect with her through her email: [email protected] follow her on Instagram:thegoddessguide555, or check out her She is also available for art commissions.

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