“Libre de Plástico” (Free of plastic), is an initiative that began to have more momentum through the incredible EcoFeria Camino Real project in Dominical, which takes place every Friday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm at Plaza Patron’s.
Keyna, Grettel, Khrisna, and Giovanni from the great EcoFeria family, explained to “The Costa Rica News” (TCRN) the enormous damage that plastic causes to human beings, due to the chemicals it contains which alter hormones mainly to women, in addition to damaging the immunological and respiratory systems.

Keyna, as one of the organizers of the EcoFeria, stressed that “Free of Plastic” has wonderful activities, which she has taken into account before and during the birth of her children; “games with legos, their clothes and diapers, everything has been totally free of plastic”.
Beyond the damages to the human being, in the EcoFeria you get to learn that plastic is also harmful to Mother Earth. As nature lovers, they decide to give greater love to our planet through the “Free of Plastic” initiative, like for example educating sellers and consumers (visitors), about what is recycling and the reuse of products. “At the EcoFeria, 95% is biodegradable garbage”, says Keyna, adding that bio-bags made from corn were recently imported for the fair.

Within the EcoFeria, not only art, inspiring music and yoga are the perfect touch, but also educating towards the contributions for the earth, with more productive activities done through recycling are giving more added value. Farmers are part of everything that is produced locally, all products offered are totally fresh. There are also agronomical specialists who dehydrate plants and fruits for their health, and so on.
In sum, in the EcoFeria you may find many things aimed at creating better citizens for a better world.