
    Female Condom Will Be Available for the First Time

    Insured Patients Can Now Request the Preservatives from the General Warehouse

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    Health areas located in the peripheries of the country will be the first to offer the female condom to the insured, reported Monday the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS). This is due to the fact that these health facilities (40%) have already been trained to deliver condoms to those who request them.

    In this way, health centers in the Chorotega, Brunca, Central, and South Central regions are already enabled to request the devices from the General Warehouse of the CCSS.

    The coordinator of the Program for Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the Fund, Gloria Terwes, indicated that the objective of this training is for the institution’s workers to learn how it is used to later evacuate the doubts of the insured patients. “We are very interested that when the provider of the service is well trained they can then train a user of this device”, explained the doctor.

    The insured will have the possibility of requesting up to 20 condoms and, as with the male condom, no medical prescription is required. In addition to distributing the devices in health centers, the CCSS is resuming a series of agreements with non-governmental organizations so that they can deliver these to the populations they serve.

    How is this kind of condom?

    The female condom is a transparent cover made of nitrile or polyurethane. It has 2 plastic rings. The side that is closed facilitates its introduction into the vagina, while the open side remains outside covering the vulva.

    Female condom at hands

    Among the characteristics that stand out of this device are a greater autonomy of women to control their fertility, resistance, does not produce allergy, its effectiveness is 79% to 95%. It can be placed up to 8 hours before the sexual act; it fits more naturally to the female genitalia and, unlike the male condom, it does not produce pressure on the penis.

    With regard to its use, you might wonder about its advantages and disadvantages. Here are its main pros and cons:


    • It is, together with the male condom, the only contraceptive capable of protecting its users from unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    • You can use it during menstruation and if you are already pregnant to prevent any condition.

    • Due to the material in which it is made, it can be placed up to 8 hours before having a sexual relationship, so you can perform your activities without feeling uncomfortable.

    Its use assures a pretty comfortable sexual relationship

    • Some users have reported that when using it their pleasure increases. They explain that by having vaginal sex the inner ring manages to stimulate the tip of the penis; while the external one rubs the vulva and the clitoris.

    • It is 95% effective. The Ministry of Health indicates that for every 100 women, only between 3 and 15 could become pregnant by not using it correctly.

    • It is manufactured with a thin, but very strong plastic called polyurethane or a substance named nitrile, which allows to give protection to those people allergic to latex.

    • It is easy to place. The woman will have to take the inner ring and push as much as possible towards the cervix; while it will hold the outer ring for your partner to enter your member.

    • It may be removed easily with the fingertips by closing the outer ring to avoid spilling semen.

    • The material with which it is made allows you to use lubricant without damaging it, which will give you and your partner more pleasure at the time of the sexual encounter.


    • Its large size can cause friction in the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus.

    • Being very loose, the movement could remove the member of your partner or spill semen on you, which would put you at risk of infection or unwanted pregnancy.

    Actually, the female condom has more advantages than disadvantages. Do not hesitate to use it in your next sexual encounter; surprise your partner with it!

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