
    World News

    The Tucson Tragedy and the Soul of a Nation

    Recent events in the United States have been heart rendering. The shooting in Tucson, Arizona left a favorite daughter of America, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, with a bullet through her brain. And it snuffed out the life of a promising 9-year-old girl, Christine Green, born on 9.11, who was so interested in politics that a neighbor took her to Giffords’ rally.

    Singing in the South – Singing Alive Festival in San Isidro

    San Isidro commences its 4th year of the successful Singing Alive festival (Cantando la Vida) this weekend, January 14-16, at Finca Amrta (Organic Farm and Health Center) in the central-southern pacific coast of Costa Rica.

    A Batch of Aphorisms

    The right question held in the heart lights the way and moves human consciousness forward.Humility comes from asking a right question, but it also requires humility to ask a right question.Reason cannot win an argument against emotion, no matter...

    Film Review: The Tourist

    Grab two of the biggest movie stars on the planet, throw in an internationally acclaimed filmmaker, set the action in romantic Venice, then just sit back and wait for the magic to happen. Right? In theory, The Tourist had all...

    The Journey of Lifelong Learning

    As a longtime admirer of neurologist Oliver Sacks, his bit of fluff in the New York Times recently, “This Year, Change Your Mind,” was a disappointment. The subject is very important, and the title is provocative, but the substance...

    The Doomsday Clock

    The Doomsday Clock originated in 1947 at the University of Chicago. Conceived as a barometer (to mix measurements) for the threat of nuclear war between the US and the USSR, it now reflects any development that “could inflict irreparable...

    Frustrated with bureaucratic incompetence in Costa Rica

    We imported a car from Canada in July and dutifully paid all the taxes, got the marchamo and riteve etc. Upon going to get the marchamo renewed for 2011, we are now being advised that they have no record of it being registered!

    Ex-president Zelaya says he will return in 2011

    Ousted President Manuel Zelaya plans to return in 2011 from exile in the Dominican Republic to continue his political project of reshaping Honduras.

    Meditations: The River of Life

    Summer's calm creek has become winter's raging river in this small city in northern California. The end of December deluge has brought inches of rain to the Central Valley, and feet of snow to the High Sierra.The ribbon of...

    Dilma Rousseff – first woman sworn in as president of Brazil

    The economist Dilma Rousseff, 63, became the first woman president of Brazil on Jan 1, replacing the popular Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who paid tribute with a call to deepen the social reforms of his government.
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    Embracing the Sacred: Seeking Spiritual Connection With Costa Rica’s Indigenous Communities

    Costa Rica, a land of vibrant biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, also holds a rich tapestry of indigenous cultures, each...
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