

    Costa Ricans Will Greatly Benefit With the Generation of Solar Energy Thanks to New National Regulations

    To boost the energy sector and streamline its processes, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) has proposed a new regulation, which it has put forward for public consultation. For the Costa Rican Chamber of Distributed Generation, it is...

    True Love or Just a Whim?

    It is difficult to explain what it feels like to be in love. Then it is more difficult to decipher if it is true love

    Parable # 16: Nobody Else Can Do Your Practicing for You

    (This week is the 19thinstallment of the book, “The Band Director’s Lessons About Life”, which TCRN is publishing as a series during 2020. This week, band director and spiritual author Donald Lee relates a parable about seeing things as...

    Why Holistic Therapy is Your Best Ally for a Better Life

    The world of health therapies is very diverse. Although alternative therapies as such should be complementary, it never ceases to amaze that their acceptance is increasing globally.Holistic therapy also has an implicit therapeutic function that offers a type of...

    The True Meaning of Happiness

    There are those who say that happiness does not exist, that it is impossible, that there are those who have everything and are still unhappy and also there are those who think that happiness itself is a mere instant

    Be Grateful in Life and Abundance Will Come to You

    Being grateful implies the recognition of everything that brings happiness and well-being to our lives. It is more positive to thank for what has been given to us than to complain about what we do not or we cannot...

    Do You Consider Yourself A Good Parent?

    Knowing your children well implies a reflection on their actions and establishing excellent communication channels. Parents are constantly looking for ways to better relate to their children, educate them in what they consider important for their future, set limits...

    Forgiveness, One of the Most Difficult, but Rewarding Actions For A Human Being

    Forgiveness comes from the greek word: Afiemi: Verb that means to let go or liberate. When you forgive someone who caused harm or said something wrong, you literally let go (get free).Forgiveness is the sincere and loving will to...

    Being Happy is an Everyday Decision

    Being happy is a goal that we all want to come up with different ideas on how to achieve it. It's easy to think that being happy is a result in itself

    Parable # 15: Always Do Your Best

    (This week is the 18th installment of the book, “The Band Director’s Lessons About Life”, which TCRN is publishing as a series during 2020. This week, band director and spiritual author Donald Lee relates a parable about constantly striving...
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