
    Science & Technology

    New Geothermal Plant Will Be Built in Costa Rica

    The Costa Rican government signed a loan contract for 240 million dollars with Japan for the construction of the new geothermal plant Borinquen I.Borinquen I is planned to be built in Liberia, Guanacaste, and will be the third geothermal power...

    Homes and Enterprises Store Renewable Energy in Grids

    In the last 18 months, Costa Ricans have been benefitted by a pricing model for net metering that enables them to generate and store extra sustainable energy in grids.In 2016, the Environment and Energy Minister (MINAE) created a program...

    Costa Rican Indigenous Women

    They created a project that can serve as an energy alternative for the indigenous communities in Costa RicaIn 2016, four Costa Rican women traveled to India to learn about solar energy. The project involved getting acquainted with that kind...

    The Technology Behind Online Casinos

    Mobile gaming is one of the most rapidly growing parts of the gaming industry where technological developments are being done almost every year. In the year 2015, the total number of mobile users throughout the globe outperformed the number...

    50% of Traffic Lights Will Be Solar – Powered This Year

    The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation along with the National Department of Traffic are planning to install photovoltaic systems at 76 signalized intersections which will increase the number of traffic lights in big cities.According to the engineer Diego...

    Digital Plan Will Open the Job Market in Costa Rica

    What’s the Digital Power Plan? Costa Rica will replace all the non-digital broadcasting machines with digital broadcasting ones in December this year. The plan will improve the quality of image and sound as well as the coverage of the...

    Biggest Hydroelectric Plant of Central America is in Costa Rica

    Once the Hydroelectric Plant started operating in 2016, Costa Rica became part of the select group of the countries in the pursuit of a 100% renewable energy consumption system. The project was initiated in 2010 and terminated last year.The...

    Fiber Optic and Wireless Connection in Costa Rica

    End-to-end connections guarantees more speed“End-to-end Internet connection establishes a connection between the provider and the customer. That type of connection is not shared with a third party to keep the availability of the service” – Valeria Pineda, telecom operator...

    Tips For Avoiding Travel Scams On Craigslist San Jose Costa Rica Online And Offline

    Traveling abroad can be a really fun, exciting, and an overwhelming experience. However, if you are a first-time traveler, you need to be aware of the fact that there are always shady people out there looking to take advantage...

    Computer and Internet Access for Tico Families

    About 128 million dollars will be invested in Costa Rica in the Hogares Conectados plan, which grants subsidies for a computer and Internet access to families living in poverty. So far 2.2 million dollars were invested and 19,400 houses...
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    Latest News

    Costa Rica to Report New Record in Attracting Foreign Investment for Second Consecutive Year

    Costa Rica will reach a record figure in terms of foreign direct investment this year, going from $3.788 billion...
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