
    Science & Technology

    The World Robotics Olympiad was Tinged with Environmental Technologies

    The robots that were designed and programmed to contribute to the environment were protagonists in the World Robotics Olympiad that was held for the 1st time in Costa Rica. The "Parque Viva Events Center" received more than 2,500 people...

    3 Student Projects are Postulated for the National Electronics Award – Edition 2017

    The Costa Rican Association of Electronics Engineering (AsoElectronica), will hold the traditional ceremony of the National Electronics Award - 2017 Edition, on Wednesday, November 15th, at the Auditorium of the Colegio de Ingenieros y Arquitectos, in Curridabat.This award recognizes,...

    5 Essential Marketing Tools for Every SME and New Business

    When a company is gestated or takes its 1st steps, there are many challenges and issues that occupy the thinking of its founder. 93% out of the 38,500 formal companies established in Costa Rica are micro, small, and medium...

    iPhone X Arrives in Costa Rica

    The iPhone X will arrive in Costa Rica as part of an exclusive pre-sale at Gallo stores. Those who love technology will be able to acquire the mobile device through the new model of the iPhone in the 130...

    Are You Sure You Know Everything on Web Designing and Importance of Images?

    It is a fact universally acknowledged that web standards keep evolving continuously and hence keeps changing our predictions on a website. All of us are always in a hurry to look for information quickly, we wish to stay entertained...

    2018 Could Be the Year of Consolidation for Electric Cars in Costa Rica

    Say goodbye to gas stations, oil changes, filters, maintenance of the exhaust system, and spark plugs. Now it will depend 100% on electricity and on a regular check-up of brakes and tires. What do you think of this idea? Well,...

    “Amazon” Plans to Deliver their Packages Directly Inside the Houses

    The largest online retailer presented its latest development on last Wednesday: Amazon Key, a lock and camera system that users remotely control to let delivery people get goods inside their homes. Customers can create temporary passwords so that their...

    Costa Rica Will Host the World Robot Olympiad 2017

    Putting creativity into practice and proposing innovative solutions to create sustainable robots are just 2 of the challenges involving 2,500 children and young people who will participate in the World Robot Olympics (WRO). This year it will be held...

    The 1st Costa Rican Satellite Will Be in Space Soon

    The Central American Association of Aeronautics and Space (ACAE) and the Technological of Costa Rica (TEC) announce the successful conclusion of the assembly phase of the Irazú Project, the 1st Central American satellite to go to space. This is one...

    Google Map Functions You Probably Did Not Know

    Many times we use the available technology but, actually, we do not take all the advantages that we could. Why does this happen? Most of us do not fully know the apps and technological tools that we have of...
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    Latest News

    Airbnb Has Collected and Remitted More Than $5 Million in Taxes to the Treasury in Costa Rica

    The Airbnb platform delivered a new update of the tax contribution it has made in Costa Rica, which amounts...
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