
    Science & Technology

    Which Operators Have the Best Mobile Networks in Costa Rica?

    The Christmas and New Year's Eve parties arrived, but it is also the date of the most recent report prepared by the OpenSignal firm about the state of mobile telephony networks in Costa Rica. The company, based in the...

    Important Career Tips for Recent Computer Science Engineering Graduates

    Most computer science engineering graduates find themselves in a dilemma about what to pursue after graduating. The belief that you would automatically know once you graduate as to your future course of action is misplaced. You are most likely...

    Post Office Enables Digital Platform to Request Passport

    Costa Rica's Post Office launched a digital platform from which Costa Ricans can self-manage their appointment for the passport process from the Internet. Through the page, interested parties can identify authorized branches, see available dates and times, as well...

    Digital Marketing’s Popularity Explained

    Technological advances and the resultant changes in the way that media is consumed have meant that the advertising and marketing landscapes have changed significantly as well. In the not too distant past, media buyers spent the bulk of their...

    INCOFER Approves the Purchase of 8 New Trains with the Latest Technology

    The Costa Rican Institute of Railways (INCOFER) announced that on December 3rd, 2018, the Board of Directors of the institution approved the purchase of 8 new trains to the CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. factory, winner of the process....

    Santa Ana Elementary School Students and NASA´s Voyager Mission Team Up

    Teacher and co-author of the book To The Stars: Costa Rica in NASA recently returned from a visit to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) where he met with Costa Ricans who work there as well as the Voyager mission...

    Government Warns about Online Purchase

    The online purchase of medicines, cosmetics, natural products, plants or living things will bring you more problems than benefits, as they are products that are highly restricted, so they do not have free entry to the country.To prevent the...

    How to Improve On Digital Customer Experience Management

    Having an online business is not everything unless you are improving your user's experience when they visit your website. Whether it is redirecting them from a certain link or creating web pages that are easy to find, you'll have...

    5 Keys Benefits of Hybrid Mobile Application Development

    Hybrid or native – it is an internal choice for developers, whether they just start doing their business or are occupied with it for a while. In the article, we state that a hybrid mobile application has more advantages...

    Listica: New 100% Costa Rican Services Platform

    Listica is the digital platform that is soon to be released in December 2018. It consists of a service site where users can access transportation, personal care, construction, automotive, media, and everything you may need in your daily life.In...
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    Latest News

    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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