

    Medicinal Mushrooms, What Are They For and What are Their Healing Properties?

    Medicinal mushrooms have been used traditionally for over a thousand years in Asian folk medicine

    Saving on Food Can Improve Health

    knowing that her children have adequate growth and good nutrition brings peace and tranquility to a mother.

    Breast Cancer: The Powerful Alliance Between Medicine and Wellness

    “Our beauty and exercise routine must be adapted to the lifestyle we lead and the condition in which we find ourselves. 90% of people

    Study Reveals Psilocybin Psychedelic Therapy Eases Major Depression

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have reported that, in a small study of adults with major depression, administration of two doses of the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin

    Basic Guide to Start Meditating Every Morning and Change the Energy of Your Day to Day

    Thousands of people talk about the multiple benefits that meditation brings to your life; some of them are that it relieves anxiety, depression and that it prevents stress.

    Alcohol Does Accelerate Aging, a Recent Study Indicates

    Through an observational analysis, the Oxford experts realized that there was a significant association between high alcohol intake

    Vaccines Against Cancer, a Path of Study in Full Development

    Vaccines based on messenger RNA have helped put a stop to Covid-19, a technology that, however, was initially conceived

    A Longevity Pill Could Extend Human Lifespan to Over 100 Years

    The senolytics created at Mayo Clinic were administered once and eliminated senescent or zombie cells from the bloodstream

    Do You Know What Wellness Is? Start Practicing It With These Simple Steps

    Wellness is the healthy balance between the mental, physical and emotional levels. Working these three spheres

    Obligation to Get Vaccinated in Costa Rica is Eliminated

    Given this, the Government has analyzed the refusal of the Vaccination Commission to put Costa Rica on the list of countries that respect
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