

    Depression and Chemical Imbalance: Big Pharma Benefits from Theory Scientists Deny

    SSRIs to be misleading and overprescribed or valuable treatments, doctors warn patients not to stop drugs abruptly

    Costa Rica Makes Huge Investment in HIV Care

    The Minister of Health, Joselyn Chacón, affirmed that the country makes a huge investment in the medical and human care of people infected

    Behaviors that Might Increase the Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases

    The approach to women's health in Central America continues to be an area for improvement; from health systems and even from a comprehensive

    15 Minutes of Effective Training at Home

    Changes in work schedules is one of the reasons why many people have more limited time in the day

    10 Foods to Prevent Heartburn

    Patron Farías and his team recommend 10 essential foods that help prevent heartburn. In any case, he emphasizes the importance of consulting

    7 Realistic Tips to Get in Shape When Going to the Gym

    If you too have challenged yourself to get in shape at the gym – but you cannot

    Google Maps Will Indicate Which Clinics And Hospitals Offer Abortions In The United States

    Google will now indicate in its Maps application and in its search engine which clinics and hospitals offer abortions in the United States

    How is Natural Childbirth: Without Drugs or Anesthesia

    Ends the smooth delivery of a newborn, a delivery (or delivery of the placenta), and a proper adaptation of the baby to life outside the womb

    Wellness: How to Reach Physical and Mental Well-Being

    Wellness is feeling good in an integral way: having energy, emotional, mental and physical well-being, says a specialist

    Tico Study Reveals Bacteria that Produce Antibiotics in the Fur Of Sloths

    "These bacteria are beneficial to the health of the sloth and are responsible for keeping pathogenic organisms under control
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