

    Incredible Advantages of Living in a Nearshore City

    Commonly, living by the sea or quite close to it also means being close to many other natural beauties such as rivers, lagoons or cenotes,

    Being Closer to the Cure of Lupus: A Therapy Manages to Eliminate the Disease in 5 Patients

    The cure for lupus, an autoimmune disease that seriously attacks different organs and tissues of the patient, seems to be getting closer.

    How to Know If the Artificial Insemination Was Successful?

    After an assisted reproduction treatment, it is very logical for women to remain attentive to any changes that may occur in their bod

    Rest… It is necessary for the Mind and Body

    Rest is essential for the mind. When you don't rest, your memory, attention, and concentration skills are affected.

    People Caring for Patients With Alzheimer’s Also Require Attention

    Alzheimer's is one of the diseases that requires more attention from caregivers. For this reason, today we want to call for reflection on the importance of self-care

    High Heart Rate and Physical Inactivity Compromise the Good Functioning of Your Heart

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims the lives of 18.6 million people each year, making it the leading cause of death in the world.

    Medical Cannabis Product Dispensaries Would Be Enabled in Costa Rica

    Can you imagine buying medicinal cannabis products in a machine as if it were a food product or another type of consumption?

    PhD. in Applied Physics from the UCR Is Named Scientist of the Year and Recognized for Her Contribution to Science

    "We have the mission of continuing to reduce social gaps, and the gender gap is no exception. This recognition is proof of that;

    Overweight Stress Can Cause More Disease than Overweight Itself

    Empowering and teaching people to continually improve their food choices, while respecting traditions, lifestyles, economic capabilities and personal desires

    Depression during Pregnancy and the Stigma that It Drags

    It is assumed that the arrival of an expected pregnancy is always news that fills not only parents but also family
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