

    Germany Is Almost Ready to Launch the First Zero-Emission Train

    Another first in the field of alternative energies! Germany is getting ready to introduce the very first zero-emission train for passenger transport in the world that is powered by hydrogen. This new technology will be an alternative to diesel...

    Kids Won A Major Victory For Climate Change

    While most of the news these days is about the recent American election, there was some good news coming out of the United States too. A group of young Americans, aged 9 to 20, have won the right to...

    Oceans: Hammerhead Sharks Need Protection

    Two Caribbean nations moved to try and protect threatened hammerhead sharks from overfishing under an international trade agreement.Costa Rica and Honduras listing scalloped hammerhead sharks under an appendix to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild...

    Rain Forest, Beach and Wildlife make Costa Rica a Natural Paradise

    PUERTO VIEJO DE SARAPIQUÍ, Costa Rica — Something crashed into the water off to one side of our narrow, flat-bottomed boat on the swirling Sarapiquí River.It was a big tree limb that had broken under the weight of two...

    Pros and Cons of Living in a Shipping Container Home

    The pros and cons of living in a shipping container home are in regards to a tiny, little 160-sq/ft home.  Not a giant container home structure, 3 stories high and 3 wide. This is about a small living space....

    Try Reading This and Not Book a Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica

    I know, the struggle is real.  You want to book your yoga retreat  to Costa Rica right now, but you’ve got so many reasons to wait. Maybe you’re too busy at work. Maybe you think your yoga practice isn’t...

    Paulownia Trees Could Support Reforestation Efforts

    Lately the paulownia tree, sometimes known as the Royal Tree, the Princess Tree, or even the Empress Tree, has been getting a lot of press.  It is an extraordinary deciduous species, and is native to China.This species of tree...

    France becomes the first country to ban plastic cups and cutlery

    In 2020, France will enforce a ban on plastic cups and cutlery. Exceptions will be allowed for those items created from compostable and bio-sourced materials.  France has become the first country in the world to pass such sweeping legislation. ...

    A Garden Or Terrace Can Add Life To Your Home

    Don’t neglect the terrace or garden in your home or apartment.  These can be designed to gain the maximum benefits, and integrate them into your home and lifestyle.  It is often a space that is neglected, and even causes...

    Haiti Needs Our Help – What Can We Do?

    As anyone who has been watching the news knows, Haiti is recovering from Hurricane Matthew, a Category 4 hurricane that recently devastated the poorest country in Latin America.  Even as they try to pick up the pieces, find their...
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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