

    Costa Rica Recycles Only 6.6% of Its Daily Residues

    Every day, Costa Ricans generate 4,000 tons of ordinary waste. Of this amount, 1,000 tons are deposited in rivers, vacant lots, and public roads. In this sense, 6.6% (264 tons) barely arrives at the collection centers to be processed.Although...

    No Bees, No Agriculture

    The pollinating action of bees is proven to be crucial for the plants' flora cycle. This importance is pointed out by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), calculating that more than 70% of the 100...

    Let´s give our planet a hand

    Earth Day: Raising Environmental AwarenessIn a corner of the Milky Way a blue planet orbits a yellow dwarf sun. Home to several billion human beings, plants and animals, it has often been compared to a spaceship. Her name is...

    Celebrating Mother Earth Day

    In 1969, at the UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace. His proposal was to celebrate this date on March 21st, to coincide with the...

    5 Low-Cost Ways To Renovate Your Home

    If you just rented an apartment and all the walls look sad and desolate, or you've been living in the same space for a long time and want to turn the decoration around without having to arm yourself with...

    4 Tips To Reduce Plastic Pollution

    Costa Rica is worldwide known for its beautiful beaches and seas. The biodiversity of marine species proudly enjoyed by the country is incredible, from hundreds of species of fish to dolphins, sharks, rays and various species of turtles that...

    Meeting On The Environmental Agreement of Latin America and the Caribbean

    Delegates from the governments of Latin American and Caribbean countries negotiating a regional agreement on access to environmental information, participation and justice (Principle 10 of the Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Environment and Development) will meet in San José,...

    Costa Rica: World Power in Renewable Energy

    Costa Rica is at the forefront of renewable energy production in Central America and is one of the countries that has invested the most in this regard on a global scale, this has been possible due to its natural...

    Fairphone 2: Communication with Ecofriendly Technology

    In January 2013, a group of Dutch developers set out to create the 1st "totally fair" smartphone, meaning that all its manufacturing and sales processes are developed with openness, transparency, and social justice. Making a smartphone with minimal impact...

    Isla Portillos A Costa Rican Triumph For Ecology

    On Friday, February 2, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced three decisions taken regarding disputes between Costa Rica and Nicaragua in The Hague. The most important decision was the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Costa Rica and...
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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