Culture & Lifestyle
Express Your Spirituality: Be Part of Envision Festival 2017
Every last week of February thousands of people come together to camp at Rancho La Merced near Uvita for the transformational festival Envision. The event is built by teams of volunteers and the organizers of Burning Man festival to model a...
Culture & Lifestyle
Traditional Festivals in Costa Rica
Every country has its folk festivals over the year. So does Costa Rica. They are the oldest social roots of a culture. Some of them are traditions passed down from generation to generation. Others are celebrated in new, modern...
Culture & Lifestyle
‘Chepe se baña’ homeless project emulates Obamacare
Have you ever stepped into a homeless person and felt bad for them? We can't help thinking that we could do better, but we've got our own lives so we move on. Life is hard to deal with sometimes...
Culture & Lifestyle
Pro-LGBTI Politics Move Forward in Costa Rica
Society evolves, either by accepting new behaviors promoted by minority groups or adapting to recent events. The process is slow, maybe too slow for these times where technology makes people think that everything can happen at google-speed. Science pushes...
‘Atrás Hay Relámpagos’ Film Takes the Netherlands by Surprise
Whenever we watch a movie, the first thing we think about is summer blockbusters. Those Marvel superhero movies that gather all the attention - and rightly so, they're good - of the public. Granted, every now and then seeing...
Culture & Lifestyle
Marijuana, sort of legal in Costa Rica
Juan is an average man living his mid 20's, he's got no stable job and likes smoking pot. On the other hand, there's José, he's 30 and uses medicinal cannabis for his anxiety treatment. The difference between these two...
¿Does Costa Rica have the fountain of youth?
At the Raúl Blanco Cervantes Geriatric Hospital, the elderly seem to defy the cycle of life. As they live more healthy and, as result, longer than the rest of the population. The Nicoya Peninsula, where the geriatric hospital is,...
Culture & Lifestyle
Dario Chinchilla’s work seeks improvement in solar energy use
Science bases itself in evolution, and evolution brings development to society, whether is human or not. When we think of science, we think of Europe, Asia or North America. Costa Rica isn't exactly the name that comes to mind...
Culture & Lifestyle
7 Dishes of the Caribbean to Try Out
Most tourists focus solely on the west coast when it comes to finding their pipa-paradise in Costa Rica. Such a shame, since there are many delights to be found on the eastern shores of the country too. The immaculate...
Culture & Lifestyle
Gold in Osa Peninsula: a blessing or a damnation?
Few know it but Osa Peninsula concentrates the largest amount of gold in Costa Rica –especially in Corcovado National Park- which attracts a considerable number of local artisan miners. Yet even mining is prohibited within the Corcovado’s limits, its...
Latest News
Costa Rica Will Learn the Secrets of Alternative Healing Through Medicinal Plants
Ancestral Culture, is the event of the year in Costa Rica, which will take place this Saturday 15 and...