You don’t have to spend the holidays making sacrifices. A successful combination of foods, and some other tricks, will help you keep fit without great effort… even at this time!
So that the Christmas holidays do not influence your intention to follow a diet that allows you to enjoy good health and weight within acceptable limits, specialists recommend that you plan in advance a series of strategies and tricks to face the dangers that are coming.
1. Keep your physical activity regularly. And of course, at these parties don’t forget that dancing is the most fun way to control your weight.
2. Beware of excesses: the problem is not exceeding the designated days a little, the problem comes when “because it is a holiday”, we spend eating and exceeding from December 22 (or even before…) to January 7.
3. Do not leave home with an empty stomach and avoid fasting for strong meals: one of the most common practices of people who try not to gain weight during Christmas is to “reserve hunger” for dinners or special meals, eating minimally the rest of the day. It’s not a good idea. If you arrive at Christmas Eve dinner or Christmas lunch terribly hungry, it is likely that you will end up eating much more than you should.
4. Don’t snack between meals.
5. Be selective: it is best to focus on the main dish that we like the most, taking less of the rest and being very careful with starters and desserts, which are the most dangerous parts of meals and generally have more calories.
6. Plan yourself, establish your menu, and do not get out of it, bet on vegetables and baked dishes.
7. Give up the “Tuppers”, at Christmas, there is always food left over that is distributed in toppers so that the whole family can repeat the next day. If you do not want to gain weight at Christmas, it is best not to enter the cast. If there is a lot left over, it is most likely that you will have a binge the next day, and that is precisely what you should avoid.
8. The days between parties, eat “normal” and follow your good habits outside the dates indicated, that is, the days without events. The ideal is to bet on vegetables, salads, grilled meat, and fish. If you are strict in this regard, even if you open your hand at big meals, you will not only maintain your weight, you may even manage to lose a few kilos.
9. Try to drink a little (alcoholic drinks, cocktails, and digestive liqueurs… are caloric bombs). Soft drinks are also dangerous. There’s nothing wrong with having two glasses of wine and two of cava, but if you’ve had beers before and then go on to drinks, you’ll have a great time, but it’s impossible not to gain weight. Nobody said that maintaining our weight at Christmas was easy.
10. Limit sweets. We are not saying that you are not going to try a piece of nougat… but it is one thing to eat a piece of nougat (or other sweets), and quite another to take something every time you pass in front of the tray.
None of these tricks are “miraculous”, they are simply little common sense tips to follow so as not to gain extra weight this holiday season.