Pleasure actually moves through the body faster than pain does.
As you know I am always banging on about the importance of pleasure in relationship to others, self. and your health.
The stress hormone cortisol is flushed out of the body by our feel good hormones dopamine and oxytocin. And now that you know that pleasure is more readily available to you real-time there is no excuse.
Pleasure is your birthright lover.
Your body is designed for it.
Your body is made for pleasure.
It not only craves pleasure, it relishes from it.
Science keeps on proving more and more that our stresses, traumas and ‘negative’ emotions are stored in our tissues, our ligaments, affect our nervous system and are the base of our decisions made in the primal parts o the four brain.
The “Sex Coaching” i do is all about resourcing from pleasure, creating pleasure-filled lives and reprogramming the primal brain so that you get to live the turned-on life you want.
The disintegration of community, inclusive style living and provision, shared land, food sourcing and child-rearing has stripped our current culture of pleasure and the time for pleasure…

Instead of living in ways that keep cortisol at a low level, we live in a culture that emphasizes cortisol as a strange and sick badge of honour to wear and push through.
This is in total contradiction to our bodies.
The more you keep people away from pleasure, the more they will readily pay tax, purchase overpriced products they don’t need and continually be in comparison and competition to those they don’t even know.
You can not afford to not have pleasure in your life.
Pleasure is the needle mover on the health scale.
Proof the great human designer had to be female..or an absolute lover of the feminine.
There you have it.
Always with Pleasure